trollcatman wrote:
That is because pessimists are often pleasantly surprised. They start the day with low expectations and then it turns out that either they are right, or the day turns out even better than they thought.
Optimists on the other hand live their life as a continuous string of disappointments.
That is not what pessimism means.
Pessimism is not having low expectations, it is focusing on the negative. Pessimists do not have pleasant surprises because they do not focus on the good, they focus on the bad. Even if their day is better than expected, they still fixate on what went wrong.
Optimism is not having high expectations, it is looking on the bright side. Optimists do not have a continual string of disappointments because they do not focus on the negative. Even if their day was worse than expected, they fixate on what went right.
I have the feeling this study's results has more to do with people not understanding what those words mean than pessimists actually living longer.
Pessimism and optimism are going down the same road that irony, chaos, and decimate travelled before them.