A New Zealand man was sentenced to three months in jail for possessing and viewing Japanese anime that depicted fantasy creatures having sex. Ronald Clark said he downloaded the videos three years ago as "a bit of a laugh." Clark's lawyer described the anime as depictions of "pixies and trolls" that were unlike humans. Clark is also facing an additional 10 years of penalties including a supervision order preventing him from being near areas with children.
Alan Bell, director of the anti-child pornography group ECPAT Child Alert, said the images violate New Zealand law because they encourage people "to migrate from there to the real thing." The characters' depictions as young, child-like creatures led to concerns that the anime could illicit real-world child abuse. Bell also commented that animated depictions of child abuse are a "huge" problem in Japan but noted that no child was harmed in the production of these images.
www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2013-04-2 ... ntai-anime I used to believe that New Zealand was a place with an unusual amount of free speech - especially after the New Zealand government's handling of the Megaupload case. Apparently I was wrong, though... I also was wrong about ECPAT - an organization I used to deeply respect, in the past. But not after they jumped on the the thought crime bandwagon.... =_=
Meanwhile in New Zealand:
Up-skirt video teacher avoids jail
A senior teacher who filmed up girls' skirts with a secret pen camera for his own "sexual pleasure and gratification" has avoided jail today.
Doug Martin, 57, was a trusted and respected teacher at Lincoln High School, outside Christchurch, and a local church elder.
But now his career is in tatters and his life in turmoil after he pleaded guilty to 20 charges of filming up girls' skirts over a six-month period last year, which a judge today described as a gross breach of trust.
He filmed them at his school and at a shopping mall, as well as other locations which have been suppressed.
http://m.nzherald.co.nz/#!/nz/news/arti ... d=10878339 (copy and paste the link - the forum software makes it get broken)
In New Zealand, an absolute minimum of twenty *existing*, young *human* victims are less deserving of justice than unrealistic drawings of trolls and pixies. Creatures that definitely are unrealistic, for sure, as they *do not exist*.