It is about time! The DSM lacks Inturnal Boundries,
Possession by Sprites, cannot be seperated from infestion by Elementals!
The Government still gets the bill for Holy Water, for services rendered that could not all be true.
Comparing Psychobabblist to Psychobabbelist, they seem to live, each in a Universe of their own, with no acountability.
The one study done, medical students being called mental convicts, all were continued as mental convicts through the system, with their disorders confirmed by people from across the room, or who never saw them.
In the 1974 case, The Supreme Court said release all the Mental Detaineees, that have never done anything to cause a lack of freedom, and their case was based on their sister saying they were strange.
The Court found there was never a Legal or Medical basis for locking people up for life.
The best Treatment of the time involved Ice Water Baths, Electroshock, Massive doses of Thorizine, and experimental uses of drugs like LSD. Considering the inmate had started treatment for a stutter, The Court found a Lack of Sanity in the Mental Health System.
Twenty years later they were busted in the largest ever Drug Bust, where Psychobabblists were getting cash kickbacks for writing the right perscriptions, for off label use. New and expensive drugs were the first choice, replacing Asprin.
The DSM could never meet the Legal and Medical Standards for Evidence.
They do not define their terms, have no method to classify and group conditions, and present untestable views. Compared, The Four Humors were Hard Science.
The present, mental conditions are side effects of; A, Toxic Exposure, B Trama, C Genetic, and are symptoms of an underlying condition, not a stand alone condition.
As Comics have long showed, a person being hit sees stars, they do not have Steller Dillusion Image Disorder. More important, the stars go away, SDID is considered a lifetime disorder.
The disconnect is obvious, when a person claimed to be a mental case dies, and Toxicology shows they had been poisoned over years by a family member.
Broad Blood Testing, DNA Profile, would bring some order to Causes.
Psychobabble has been treating Conditions without causes. There is some serious doubt the Conditions exist.
Psychobabble is based on the Foundation of, Billable Hours, + Research Grants.
Recent work in other fields, Twin Studies in Genetics, Toxic Materials, Tramatic Brain Injury, account for the symptoms passed off as causes in the DSM.
To abandon the DSM is to step away from Psycho-Fraud, Massive Mal Practice, and Witch Doctors fronting for Drug Company Reps.
An Imaginary Science, treating Imaginary Disorders, for their Imaginary Friend in the sky.
Not only does Genetics give a better view, it, like the Meyers Briggs, shows a range of normal human behavior, and all of the Myers-Briggs threads on WP show a close grouping in one quadrent, that accounts for the 3% of the population with those long known traits.
The NIMH move shows one thing, the evidence is in, Psychology is a Fraud.
A Shout Out to the Troops, where tens of thousands suffered TBI, and Psychology threw the book at them. Ten Shrinks, Ten Dxs. Healthy troops, all suffering from concussion, do not need to support the Drug Industry.
Where Psychology could have done some good, spotting the Islamic shooters, it turned out they were the Islamic shooter at the base in Texas.
Psychology is the study of the most perfect Mind Of God, and how all fall short of the Glory. As such it might be a Religion.
As the largest supplier of legal drugs being misused, they should be shut down. MDs can cover the real drug need.
NIMH you have my support!