I'm South African, and although I haven't lived there for almost 11 years, I still keep up with the news, on an almost hourly basis.
What happened at the memorial service, and the interpreter giving random hand gestures, is just plan disgusting, and disgraceful, and an outright embarrasment for South Africa.
But the SA government has a history of being disgusting, and disgraceful, so that doesn't really surprise me, what does surprise me, is that due to the number of high profile leaders, and celebrities, such as Obama, and other important world leaders, usually before people enter the stadium, people had to be screened, and strip searched before they entered the stadium. Now what I heard, was that apparantly people who feature in some way, get screened and background checked a few days before, and this guy was only apointed for the job, like a day before, and he was able to enter the stadium, and be within feet from Obama, all without being safety screened, and background checked.
If you don't believe me, you can check for yourself.
Nothing in that country suprises me any more, I've seen, or heard it all.