AutisticMillionaire wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
DarkRain wrote:
Kurgan wrote:
Pope Francis has actually proven to be a good pope. He's just what the Catholic church needed.
God forgive me for this, but Francis is an idiot...and I'm a Catholic who's saying this. He's the last pope the Church needed. He can make all of the committees he wants to (and I'm not saying this committee on clerical child abuse or whatever the hell it is is a bad thing), but it's not changing my opinion on the man. He sounds like a straight-up Marxist.
Huh? He's a Marxist for warning people about the soul destroying danger of greed that accompanies unrestrained capitalism?
Another radical produced by Catholicism (even though he and the church would have a parting), Martin Luther, had said God gave property to Christians so they could help others.
Yes, when we have children being raped....he's got messed up priories. What part of the bible addresses "soul destroying danger of greed that accompanies unrestrained capitalism?"

It's assine political statements like you made that makes Catholic's distrust their pope....anything other than cleaning up the boy-humpers is BS at at this time. I'll not give another red cent to the Church, until I see evidence that he's working for God. As of now I see no signs he's a good guy...just a enabler of rapists.
Every second, he wastes not saving kids...he helps rapists. Putting politics before people, before children makes him a Marxist.
While the Bible admittedly makes no reference to capitalism, it does say: "love of money is the root of all evil." So, condemning the soul destroying attributes of greed associated with unrestrained capitalism is in the same spirit.
And as far as making Catholics distrust their Pope - well, as I'm a Lutheran, I see I'm succeeding in my mission.
No, but seriously, I like this current Pope quite a bit.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer