GoonSquad wrote:
I'm for legalization simply because the only people prosecuted for mj crimes are poor and usually minority. It's not just, and it costs society much too much on many levels.
MJ might actually be helpful for pain, anxiety, and ptsd for some. However, MJ consumption is pretty hazardous for teens and young adults whose brains are not yet fully developed. Also, there's a lot of research to suggest that MJ actually causes depression and schizophrenia.
Still, I'd much rather see MJ regulated and taxed like alcohol. I think it's inevitable.
Actually there is no research that suggests MJ 'causes' schizophrenia....all the research proves is there is a correlation between cannabis use and schizophrenia but its still not clear as to whether people with the disorder use it to self medicate or if it was a factor in developing symptoms or if they just enjoy it recreationally.
As for depression I think most research more implies excessive use of cannabis can contribute to depression symptoms. Also I think it is unclear how exactly it effects the developing brain, but as far as I know it doesn't cause brain damage like alcohol.
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