The survey
The 2014 Global Drug Survey (GDS2014) conducted during November / December 2013 was the biggest survey of current drug use ever conducted. Published in 8 languages and promoted through media partners in 17 countries, it received almost 80,000 responses. The results from each participating country will be released exclusively through our media partners on April 14th 2014 along with some key global comparisons that our outlined here. Participating countries included USA, UK, Australia, Germany, France, Republic of Ireland, Scotland, Belgium, The Netherlands, Denmark, New Zealand, Hungary, Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, Mexico, Slovenia and Brazil.
Below are highlights of the findings from the 2014 survey, including downloadable PDFs, shareable graphics and videos from our YouTube Channel.
Ever bought drugs on the internet
The charts below show how many people bought drugs on the internet broken down into countries with between 600 to 1,500 respondents and countries with over 1,500 respondents.
http://www.globaldrugsurvey.com/facts-f ... -findings/