I'll be around 80 years old by then, so if it happens I guess I won't care much. I'll be lucky not to be in a wheelchair, crippled with arthritis and with dementia, unless they find cures before then. Ha, like that would ever happen. Also I probably won't live past 50 I'll suffer a heart attack or a stroke from being overweight, or get type 2 diabetes, or develop cancer. There will hardly be food left on the planet, what and little there is will only cost a fortune, nearly everyone will have no money for shelter or clothes on their back, and the environment will have gone completely to a certain very hot place in a hand basket. The next generation will be too spoiled, self-centered, and clueless to know how to take care of themselves. An asteroid will be just the thing to put us all out of our misery if we don't do it on our own by then, although not everyone will die instantly at once unless they're lucky, many people will die a much slower and more painful death. I saw that on a show about what it must have been like when an asteroid hit the world when the dinosaurs ruled the earth. The ones closest to the impact dies quickly but pretty horribly while others died from poisonous gases, starvation, earthquakes, tsunamis, toxic rain - basically it was like if every bomb on this entire planet went of at once. In fact an asteroid impact surely will set off every bomb that's on this planet now, so *more* death and destruction. Of course, they got to rule it for over 60 million years and didn't seem to deserve their fate like we do after only living maybe three million years.
Of course many animals did survive the asteroid impact - mostly the lowly creatures like fish and frogs and bugs and even small rodents who were sheltered underground and below the water's surface. Maybe we'll have shelters underground or underwater by then, or create spaceships that can carry a trillion people of mixed races and religions and lifestyles and customs who won't try to murder each other while searching for a new Earth... Shhhyeah, riiiight.