Raptor wrote:
progaspie wrote:
This is what happens when everybody in the US owns a gun.
Everybody owns a gun? It must be another USA you're talking about, not the one I live in. In my case I do not own a gun, I own lots of them.
Shoot first. Ask questions later.
If everyone owned a gun and shot first, asked questions later, there would be many people left.
cberg wrote:
Do I know how to use a gun? Yes. Can I afford guns? No. I trained in shooting & firearm safety as a boy scout and that's why I'm well aware no human being is born with the right to hoard the capability to kill others.
Actually they ARE born with that right. Show me where it says otherwise.
That aside, who said anything about hoarding? Guns are my obsession so I tend to pick one up when I have disposable cash.
Has it never prevailed upon you that while you were stockpiling weapons you could have been doing helpful things for people who needed a leg up in this world?
More about stockpiling (hoarding) and on top of that, now I'm turning my back on society............according to you.
If you view civility as a momentary truce during the armed standoff that is existence, have fun getting shot I guess.
Now you have me getting shot, too.
I'll be over here drinking coffee and studying so I can help build some transportation to deal with the overcrowding on this planet.
Yeah, with the occasional break from solving the world's transportation crisis by trolling the internet like what you were doing in this thread.
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
- Thomas Jefferson