naturalplastic wrote:
So from the links the experts all agree that ISIS relies on local extortion rackets for its revenue flow.
But then its all contraversy: ISIS either does, or does not, get funding from private individuals (oil tycoons in the Gulf), and either does, or does not, get secret state funding from the Gulf states and Saudi Arabia themselves.
Presumably the Saudies, and the Gulf emirs, are afraid of the expanding influence of Iran, and its Shiite allies. So theyre funding ISIS in response. Or not. Take your pick.
It wouldn't be the first time that wealthy parties (governments and their controllers) have financed petty operators with more money than they would ever see without such assistance (see Nathan Meyer Rothschild ... d#Business and the Battle of Waterloo as well as U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ... o-911.html and U.S. financing of the Mujahideen, Taliban, al Qaeda (and now ISIS) since the 1980s). And, if a financier can finance both sides of a battle or endless war, couldn't several financiers do the same? Just because a petty operator gets high-level financing, doesn't mean that there is no benefit to all involved pretending that the operator also gets financed from small-time crime like extortion.