Tropical Fish Heading To Poles Due To Warming Waters

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12 Oct 2014, 4:23 pm ... the-poles/

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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12 Oct 2014, 7:20 pm

Why is this a problem? Afraid they will get lost or something?


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12 Oct 2014, 7:25 pm

The title of this thread makes it sound like this is a big problem. The article was nothing but speculation that it might happen. It provides absolutely no evidence at all that it is actually happening.


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12 Oct 2014, 7:45 pm

The best thing that can happen for humanity is for the Earth to warm up and put an end to this ice age. If we don't leave it, then the next period of glaciation is going to reduce the carrying capacity of the Earth dramatically and we can expect starvation and death by starvation to be very commonplace. Also, major wars for the dwindling resources.

Unfortunately, this ice age is only about two and a half million years. It could easily last another one hundred to two hundred million years or even longer.

For the longterm benefit of mankind, more warming is absolutely necessary.

And yes, if we could warm the Earth up enough to melt the ice caps, fish would move. But this isn't a problem at all.


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12 Oct 2014, 8:57 pm

So the tropical fish have drunk the "global warming" kool-aid, too . It was only a matter of time..... :roll:

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13 Oct 2014, 11:04 am

A cold water jellyfish, about the size of a silver dollar, hitting the warmer water around Japan, with the pollution from China, now grow to a meter diameter, and hundreds of kilograms.

Japan is now making them radioactive.

We will see.


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14 Oct 2014, 2:06 am


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14 Oct 2014, 3:51 am

Fairly basic answer, warmer air can hold more water vapor, which mostly comes from the ocean, and each gram in changing phase, liquid to vapor, takes up a lot of calories of heat, removing it from the ocean.

Put on a wet t shirt, on a hot day, it will give you chills as it sucks the heat from your body.

Climate Science seems to have skipped basic Physics.

Climate Science pushes that things are getting worse, but by the same records, the hurricane that ate Galveston, another that raked Louisiana in 1912, were worse than anything seen since.

Recent geologic records, since the last ice age, show storms that changed the landscape.

I did some gold mining, along the streams are layers from prior floods, that laid down thick bands of outwash. Now they are mostly high banks, above the stream because the climate has been milder. Creeks eroded through the old deposits, but they can be dated by what is found in them.

Old times left deposits, recent streams cut through them. we used to have massive rainfalls, floods, that washed millions of tons down to fill the streams. A lot of these thousand year floods are dated.

Before the drought of 700 to 1500, there were some very wet periods.

Out west there are three layers of wind blown sand. yellow on top, then red, and gray beneath. Below the gray sand is where Clovis points are found, dated 12,000 to 8,000 years ago. The mix of sand in the streams can be dated by color. There were big time floods.

It was colder, sea level was lower, CO2 was lower, we still got dumped on at least ten times what we have ever seen.


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14 Oct 2014, 4:23 am

During the Holocene Climatic Optimum, about 8,000 years ago, it was substantially warmer than today (about 5 degrees F), at least in the Northern Hemisphere, than today. It was also notably wetter as well.

It is thought that the Anasazi people fled their dwellings because of drought. At that time, we were headed the cool period known as The Little Ice Age (never mind that we're already in an ice age). I've seen some reconstructed temperature and rainfall records that seemed to indicate that warmer weather tends to lead to wetter weather. Because of these items, I have wondered if perhaps it was the approaching Little Ice Age that resulted in drought.