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02 Dec 2014, 7:16 am

Energy East Pipeline: TransCanada standing down on further work in Quebec Announcement comes after a federal government committee concludes beluga whales are endangered - CBC link

The long and short of it is that development of an oil pipeline in the St. Lawrence to direct the flow of oil out of Canada has been halted because it's disrupting the beluga population which has been designated endangered. So it's a good day for the beluga, but not so much for East Energy Pipeline:

Oliver said Monday it is "absolutely essential" for the Canadian economy to transport the country's resources to foreign markets.

"We have to create infrastructure to transport oil and gas to the ocean — that's the reality," he said. "And the consequences to not doing that will be very painful for the economy and for Canadians."

The committee announced after its meeting last month that the beluga's numbers have dwindled to 1,000 from a high of 10,000.

Not sure how this will resolve itself.