Edenthiel wrote:
"The legislation does not challenge federal law -- "even those which are in conflict with the [new changes to the] Mississippi Constitution" -- and reinforces First Amendment rights, a statement from the governor said."
Um, yes. Yes it does. And decision after decision has said that Federal law triumphs, especially when it comes to things like making one group of people (in this case, non-conservative-Christian-lifestyle folk) into second class citizens. Oh, also? Your new law directly opposes/disregards the Supreme Court decision in Obergefell. Your new law, Mr. Governor, is by definition unconstitutional.
On the bright side, the hard part in the past with Supreme Court cases was showing enough oppression to warrant designating LGBT people as a suspect class (ie needing special consideration). Looks like these states are doing everything they can to ensure sexual orientation and gender identity are given the same consideration as sex and race.
Seems after blacks got equal rights, Mississippi had to find someone else to denigrate into second class status.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer