richie wrote:
Alvin Toffler, Author of ‘Future Shock,’ Dies at 87Quote:
Alvin Toffler, the celebrated author of “Future Shock,” the first in a trilogy of best-selling books that presciently forecast how people and institutions of the late 20th century would contend with the immense strains and soaring opportunities of accelerating change, died on Monday at his home in Los Angeles. He was 87.
I remember Future Shock as required reading in social studies and psychology class during my senior year of high school.
He was my introduction to futurism many yrs ago.
IMO, he understated the rate of future change in the book.
Ray Kurweil refined the prediction.
The rate of change, though extreme, has actually been slow comp. with the next stage.......EXPONENTIAL!
Hold on, it's gonna get overwhelming