TomS wrote:
JohnPowell wrote:
Aspiegaming wrote:
JohnPowell wrote:
CockneyRebel wrote:
Wouldn't it be something if nobody in the US votes this year and the candidates all scratch their heads when they hear the news.
That's pretty much what every country should do.
Then the most bought by big money candidate wins by default. Just because we bottom feeders won't vote doesn't mean the uppercrust will follow.
It would cause a massive shake up. Or vote for Jill Stein.
I don't think Stein is an actual Green. More like a Liberal Democrat with a greenish pallor.
On another note, like your signature. My favorite quote from that time is by one of Napoleon's General's, Francois Lefebvre, when he occupied the conquered Prussian city of Danzig.
"We come to give you liberty and equality, but don't lose your heads about it - the first person who stirs without permission will be shot."
That would be the same as the 'Green' party in the UK then, as one of their main promises on their manifesto was to build more houses
Thanks. That's cool, and a very good and similar quote! But my one is from George Orwell's- Animal Farm
"No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?"