the_phoenix wrote:
LoveNotHate wrote:
Most are rich crooks that want to control our lives.
Methinks you're confusing them with the Clinton Foundation.
The Clinton Foundation does not include the current president of USA.
Nice try to derail. But it is clear that Republicans did "pay-to-play" quite a lot. Most of Trumps picks donated to him and/or many other current Republicans in congress. The proof exists and its not "fake news" like people love to throw around these days.
DeVos = very little education experience. Being an advocate doesn't help her case much. She is ignorant and doesn't have a clue. Plus she plagiarizes!
Carson = experience in medicine! Not housing. Sorry but the reasoning of "he lived in the projects" (when that's only a half truth anyway) doesn't qualify him for the job.
The guy running to head EPA wants it gone.
Trump and his friends want to help themselves and big oil, while everyone else suffers. Do you care about air quality? They certainly don't. Wind and solar energies exist and work much better than oil that gets into water supply and so on! There's how many oil spills in USA now that aren't cleaned up? But all they want to do is drill drill drill for more profits, because to them.. its "me me me money money money now now now", never anything about long lasting effects or any impact.