Page 15
Lines 12-17
“Principal” means:
a health care representative will be assigned if the person is determined to be incapable.
Page 14
Lines 6-9
“Health care” means:
diagnosis, treatment or care of disease, injury and congenital or degenerative conditions, including the use, maintenance, withdrawal or withholding of life-sustaining procedures and the use, maintenance, withdrawal or withholding of artificially administered nutrition and hydration.
Page 24
Lines 13-15
“Mental health treatment” means:
convulsive treatment, treatment of mental illness with psychoactive medication, psychosurgery, admission to and retention in a health care facility for care or treatment of mental illness, and related outpatient services.
(My emphasis, above.)
As per Google --
brain surgery, such as lobotomy, used to treat mental disorder. ... ry2001.htmQuote:
Psychiatric neurosurgery involves the surgical ablation or disconnection of brain tissue with the intent of altering abnormal affective and behavioral states
jrjones9933 wrote:
fetus people, who lie constantly.
I will recuse myself from showing literal photos of that.