Kinder Morgan halting non-essential pipeline spending

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There are a lot of pics & tweets in the article so I didn't copy and paste.
Texas based Kinder Morgan wants to twin a pipeline from the tarsands of Alberta (basically real world Mordor, one of the biggest environmentally destructive places on Earth) to the BC coast which would triple crude flow that they hope to sell to China. There's no known way to cleanup a bitumen spill because the stuff sinks. The federal gov't approved the pipeline and Alberta wants it because they are a one industry Province - Oil - and they spend like drunken sailors, so they're broke. BC's new gov't, Greenpeace hippy population, and dozens of Aboriginal Nations, are all opposed and fighting the pipeline in court. There have been some minor trade wars and Alberta is trying to cut off supplies of oil to BC. Kinder Morgan has spent $1.1B of $7B in projected costs and is now considering pulling the plug because they know that despite federal approval they can't make the 3 different governments, plus the Natives, all agree to let it be built.
Good. Our land & ocean are worth more than money. Besides, China might not even buy the crap at all since they can get higher grade product for a lower price transported on bigger ships faster from elsewhere. Time to stop building pipelines and embrace renewable energy sources. Hell, we're spending North of $10B on a another hydroelectric dam and flooding the picturesque Peace River Valley even though we don't Need it because the project is already passed the point of no return they say. Get with the program and move on from fossil fuels, IMO.
In the meantime.. it's the Wild West.. Cowboys vs. Indians and they're gonna FIGHT! It's probably gonna get pretty awesome to watch. The cowboys from Alberta & Texas can F right off outta BC!


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I'm going to a meeting on Tuesday at which some Kinder Morgan personnel will probably be (they were there last year). If I see them, I'll ask about it if I get a chance.
My only opposition to the pipeline was the use of eminent domain to acquire the route for the pipeline. If they worked with each landowner along the way to come to a honest and mutually agreeable deal then I would be all for it.

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lol and they would NEVER get the agreement of the Natives to punch the pipeline through their lands. They might get the BC government if the paid them enough, but the Native bands that didn't agree to it can't be bribed with money like the ones that did. The Natives have said the same thing since the beginning, and that is: "This pipeline will never be built."
That's why they had to get the federal gov't of Canada to approve the pipeline and steal whatever land is necessary. The gov't of Canada says the project is in the "national interest," ($$), and will be built.. lol no it won't. Even if BC caves, the Natives will hold this f****r hostage in court until Kinder Morgan runs out of money. And that's why they're considering pulling the plug to protect their shareholders' money. It might be the smartest move they could make if they're not prepared for years of delays.


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There are a lot of pics & tweets in the article so I didn't copy and paste.
Texas based Kinder Morgan wants to twin a pipeline from the tarsands of Alberta (basically real world Mordor, one of the biggest environmentally destructive places on Earth) to the BC coast which would triple crude flow that they hope to sell to China. There's no known way to cleanup a bitumen spill because the stuff sinks. The federal gov't approved the pipeline and Alberta wants it because they are a one industry Province - Oil - and they spend like drunken sailors, so they're broke. BC's new gov't, Greenpeace hippy population, and dozens of Aboriginal Nations, are all opposed and fighting the pipeline in court. There have been some minor trade wars and Alberta is trying to cut off supplies of oil to BC. Kinder Morgan has spent $1.1B of $7B in projected costs and is now considering pulling the plug because they know that despite federal approval they can't make the 3 different governments, plus the Natives, all agree to let it be built.
Good. Our land & ocean are worth more than money. Besides, China might not even buy the crap at all since they can get higher grade product for a lower price transported on bigger ships faster from elsewhere. Time to stop building pipelines and embrace renewable energy sources. Hell, we're spending North of $10B on a another hydroelectric dam and flooding the picturesque Peace River Valley even though we don't Need it because the project is already passed the point of no return they say. Get with the program and move on from fossil fuels, IMO.
In the meantime.. it's the Wild West.. Cowboys vs. Indians and they're gonna FIGHT! It's probably gonna get pretty awesome to watch.

Not to mention China is actually on board with renewable why would they want to buy dirty oil from the U.S if they can get ahead in producing things like solar panels and windmill parts. Also not sure the U.S would be the first place they are looking to trade with after Trumps tariffs.
We won't go back.

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There are a lot of pics & tweets in the article so I didn't copy and paste.
Texas based Kinder Morgan wants to twin a pipeline from the tarsands of Alberta (basically real world Mordor, one of the biggest environmentally destructive places on Earth) to the BC coast which would triple crude flow that they hope to sell to China. There's no known way to cleanup a bitumen spill because the stuff sinks. The federal gov't approved the pipeline and Alberta wants it because they are a one industry Province - Oil - and they spend like drunken sailors, so they're broke. BC's new gov't, Greenpeace hippy population, and dozens of Aboriginal Nations, are all opposed and fighting the pipeline in court. There have been some minor trade wars and Alberta is trying to cut off supplies of oil to BC. Kinder Morgan has spent $1.1B of $7B in projected costs and is now considering pulling the plug because they know that despite federal approval they can't make the 3 different governments, plus the Natives, all agree to let it be built.
Good. Our land & ocean are worth more than money. Besides, China might not even buy the crap at all since they can get higher grade product for a lower price transported on bigger ships faster from elsewhere. Time to stop building pipelines and embrace renewable energy sources. Hell, we're spending North of $10B on a another hydroelectric dam and flooding the picturesque Peace River Valley even though we don't Need it because the project is already passed the point of no return they say. Get with the program and move on from fossil fuels, IMO.
In the meantime.. it's the Wild West.. Cowboys vs. Indians and they're gonna FIGHT! It's probably gonna get pretty awesome to watch.

Not to mention China is actually on board with renewable why would they want to buy dirty oil from the U.S if they can get ahead in producing things like solar panels and windmill parts. Also not sure the U.S would be the first place they are looking to trade with after Trumps tariffs.
Windmills and solar panels seem to only make sense with tax deductions. Without the tax deductions, they are a pretty inefficient way to generate electricity.
What China does use for producing electricity is a lot of coal and they supposedly aren't interested in doing any scrubbing of the emissions.

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What China does use for producing electricity is a lot of coal and they supposedly aren't interested in doing any scrubbing of the emissions.
The price of solar power generation keeps plummeting and some Chinese engineers just prototyped a way to generate power from them in the rain by capturing energy from the motion of raindrops landing on panels and running off. There will be more and more solar, even without government subsidies, especially as it becomes cheaper than other forms of power generation - not just greener.
China has just invested tons of $ into scrubbing coal fired power plant emissions - probably more than any other country in the world, possibly more than all others combined. I can't recall the figures, but it's HUGE. They're scrubbing emissions, installing more solar than anyone.. they're not exactly on board with Trump's vision of bringing back the dying coal industry. They're cleaning their act up very quickly.


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Feds are pissed and having an emergency meeting.
BC’s premier has to oppose the pipeline in every legal way he can in order to maintain power in our provincial govt since the vote was nearly 50/50, he doesn’t have a majority govt and the only way he maintains control is by having the support of the Green Party’s handful of votes.. and he can only have them by maintaining opposition to the pipeline. So, an environmental based political party actually has real teeth in govt for the first time ever, even with only a few seats.
Trudeau must be furious. He campaigned, in part, in making environmental sustainability a part of his platform. Approving the pipeline alienated environmental voters and now if it doesn’t get built he gets nothing for doing that.
Another thing is if it does get built, it becomes next to impossible for Canada to meet its greenhouse gas reduction targets in international agreements.
Cowboys vs. Indians.. Go Indians Go!


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What China does use for producing electricity is a lot of coal and they supposedly aren't interested in doing any scrubbing of the emissions.
The price of solar power generation keeps plummeting and some Chinese engineers just prototyped a way to generate power from them in the rain by capturing energy from the motion of raindrops landing on panels and running off. There will be more and more solar, even without government subsidies, especially as it becomes cheaper than other forms of power generation - not just greener.
China has just invested tons of $ into scrubbing coal fired power plant emissions - probably more than any other country in the world, possibly more than all others combined. I can't recall the figures, but it's HUGE. They're scrubbing emissions, installing more solar than anyone.. they're not exactly on board with Trump's vision of bringing back the dying coal industry. They're cleaning their act up very quickly.
In some niches, capturing energy from raindrops might produce small amounts of power, but it is hardly the answer to running any modern country unless they want to be as dark as North Korea.

Joined: 17 Feb 2013
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What China does use for producing electricity is a lot of coal and they supposedly aren't interested in doing any scrubbing of the emissions.
The price of solar power generation keeps plummeting and some Chinese engineers just prototyped a way to generate power from them in the rain by capturing energy from the motion of raindrops landing on panels and running off. There will be more and more solar, even without government subsidies, especially as it becomes cheaper than other forms of power generation - not just greener.
China has just invested tons of $ into scrubbing coal fired power plant emissions - probably more than any other country in the world, possibly more than all others combined. I can't recall the figures, but it's HUGE. They're scrubbing emissions, installing more solar than anyone.. they're not exactly on board with Trump's vision of bringing back the dying coal industry. They're cleaning their act up very quickly.
In some niches, capturing energy from raindrops might produce small amounts of power, but it is hardly the answer to running any modern country unless they want to be as dark as North Korea.
This niche is one where it's an overlay on top of solar panels, making them useful when it rains, which could be a game changer. It's not intended to be a standalone power generation technology, but rather one that makes solar more effective since the panels can still generate power when it's clouded over and raining.
Back to the OP: BC's Premier dissed the feds & Alberta basically saying "Cancelling a pipeline is not a constitutional crisis. It wasn't when either of the last ones got cancelled and it isn't now. One project doesn't make an economy."


Joined: 27 Nov 2017
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What China does use for producing electricity is a lot of coal and they supposedly aren't interested in doing any scrubbing of the emissions.
The price of solar power generation keeps plummeting and some Chinese engineers just prototyped a way to generate power from them in the rain by capturing energy from the motion of raindrops landing on panels and running off. There will be more and more solar, even without government subsidies, especially as it becomes cheaper than other forms of power generation - not just greener.
China has just invested tons of $ into scrubbing coal fired power plant emissions - probably more than any other country in the world, possibly more than all others combined. I can't recall the figures, but it's HUGE. They're scrubbing emissions, installing more solar than anyone.. they're not exactly on board with Trump's vision of bringing back the dying coal industry. They're cleaning their act up very quickly.
In some niches, capturing energy from raindrops might produce small amounts of power, but it is hardly the answer to running any modern country unless they want to be as dark as North Korea.
This niche is one where it's an overlay on top of solar panels, making them useful when it rains, which could be a game changer. It's not intended to be a standalone power generation technology, but rather one that makes solar more effective since the panels can still generate power when it's clouded over and raining.
Back to the OP: BC's Premier dissed the feds & Alberta basically saying "Cancelling a pipeline is not a constitutional crisis. It wasn't when either of the last ones got cancelled and it isn't now. One project doesn't make an economy."
I did a quick search on this and found an estimate that it may produce as much electricity as one watt hour per square meter per year in France.
Suppose you put in a system of these and power it up. What can you expect? If you have a computer that has one 150 watt power supply, you can run it on 150 square meters of panels on an average of one hour per year. If you want enough to run the computer for a year, that would be 365 days * 24 hours per day * 150 square meters = 1,314,000 square meters. At 4046.86 square meters per acre that would be 324 acres of panels to run the computer for a year. There are 640 acres in a square mile so you are talking about panels covering more than half a square mile to generate enough electricity to power one computer for one year.
The electricity for a typical house is apparently about ten times that. So figure five square miles of panels to produce enough electricity to power one house for a year.
If this is an overlay on a solar panel, then they have to not absorb the sunlight so that it goes to the solar panels at full strength. Of course, if you have five square miles of solar panels underneath your raindrop panels, they don't have to be very efficient.
That doesn't strike me as being very useful.

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Initial prototypes are about proof of concept. Solar panels today are far more efficient than they were a decade ago, or especially compared to when they were first invented. Whether it's an overlay or underlay I don't know, but the point is that research is being done to make the most of out solar/renewables & they will get better and better.

Cowboys vs. Indians.. Go Indians Go!

Yeah we're getting educated and learning to play their game. Being able to live off the land/ocean is extremely important to us Indians. It seems crazy that Trudeau is willing to sacrifice that while pretending that "reconciliation" is important to him.
Kinder Morgan are scumbags. They ripped off our small county to the tune ~10 million dollars over the last decade.
Kinder Morgan, Montezuma County argue in Colorado Supreme Court
They lost that case (as they should have), got re-audited for every year they claimed the bogus deduction and were forced to pay a total of 10 million in back taxes. It's only been a year, but the county still has not received their taxes, and may not for a long, long time since they're basically going around suing the county in courts with no jurisdiction just to string it out.

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Cowboys vs. Indians.. Go Indians Go!

Yeah we're getting educated and learning to play their game. Being able to live off the land/ocean is extremely important to us Indians. It seems crazy that Trudeau is willing to sacrifice that while pretending that "reconciliation" is important to him.
Pretty much. It's times like these that I embrace my sister's family tree research that says we're part Native.



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Lol Alberta’s Premier is getting more desperate by the day.. now she says Alberta will consider paying for the whole $7.4B pipeline to guarantee it gets built.
BC’s response is she can do whatever she wants.. in Alberta. ... -pipeline/


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Initial prototypes are about proof of concept. Solar panels today are far more efficient than they were a decade ago, or especially compared to when they were first invented. Whether it's an overlay or underlay I don't know, but the point is that research is being done to make the most of out solar/renewables & they will get better and better.
It isn't possible to extract more energy from the kinetic energy of the raindrops than is in the kinetic energy of the raindrops. Even at 100% efficiency, there just isn't a great deal of kinetic energy.
According to, the average raindrop is six mm in diameter and falls at about ten m/sec. If you get an average of 24 inches of rain per year, then that is approximately 125 pounds per year per square foot or approximately 611 kilograms per square meter per year. The total kinetic energy is 1/2*mv^2=30550 kg ft^2/sec^2 = 2841 joules.
So if two feet of rain per year is falling at ten meters per second, the total kinetic energy is approximately 2841 joules. Spread that over one hour and you get a grand total of 0.789 watt hours. Let's be nice and round it up to one watt hour.
In other words, the estimated one watt hour per square meter is not an estimate of what we could achieve today with low efficiency prototype equipment -- it is the total energy that could be extracted per square meter per year with equipment operating at 100% efficiency. Unless you can get rain to fall faster, that's the upper limit on energy that you can extract from 24 inches of falling rain per year per square meter -- one watt hour per square meter per yearl
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