What a dreadful choice that would be, consistent though with Trump's ambition to make federal agents and federal agencies serve him and him alone, rather than the American people.
Personally, I don't just think that Trump doesn't understand the constitution; I don't think he has ever read it, nor ever will. If they show it on Fox News, with big and flattering images of himself intersposed in every line, he would be transfixed and gratified by the images, and at the end not be able to articulate even one line of the constitution.
As for the Acting AG appointment (consistent with the same goal of Trump's idea of agencies being turned into lackeys acting solely for his personal benefit as a demagogue) there are concerns about the illegality of the appointment:
https://www.politico.com/story/2018/11/ ... ker-975966
Be afraid, be very afraid if the ambitions of Emporer Trump are allowed to continue and expand.