xDominiel wrote:
thoughtbeast wrote:
xDominiel wrote:
What is the implication with the number of the beast here?
The article mentioned Trump had been in office 666 days. Although I hesitate to upgrade Trump to the level of a beast (there being many noble ones, including our cats) it seemed appropriate to mention Trump in the context of that particular beast due to his personal similarities.
But the "real" Beast is supposed to successfully charm the world, correct? I don't see him doing too well there. If Trump was the Devil's choice for the job, then that would be a whole new level of self-sabotage, on a biblical scale.

Indeed! But remember, Trump is winning so much that we're all getting tired of winning. Trump's won with Kim, with Xi, with Putin, with Mr. Bone Saw and so many others. And Trump got Mexico to pay for his wall, that's why it's so important for Trump to shut down the government so that US taxpayers will rejoice in their participation.