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08 Aug 2019, 12:11 pm

If recent terror events (such as shootings) were caused by "mentally ill monsters". what are the cures to the many causes?

Just a speculatory post, to brainstorm the causes and cures what grounds, conditions that cause mental illness (as that is a high percentage of the world), but also what factors or conditions cause people with mental illness to commit such terrible events.

For example.
Factor or condition: Social isolation. Cured by Social inclusion.


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08 Aug 2019, 12:42 pm

(cause) intense hatred
(cure) long term psychiatric evaluation & care

After a failure, the easiest thing to do is to blame someone else.


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08 Aug 2019, 8:29 pm

More likely a personality disorder combined with hate than a mental illness like schizophrenia.
The severely mentally ill don’t have it together enough to plan a mass murder.

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09 Aug 2019, 12:21 am

It doesn't seem to be diagnosed mental illness per se that is the problem. The connecting factor seem to be that the perpetrator is often a "loner", typically spending too much time at home with only a computer or game machine for company.

Seems to me it's the tragedy of our times, that so many people (especially young men) are getting the message that they have nothing to contribute to society, that they are of no importance, just a waste pf space.

As someone else said, it's all about inclusion - but this needs to be on a societal scale. Not just spouting platitudes about stopping bullying and being inclusive on an individual scale, but actually developing programmes to find these kids something useful to do, to let them feel valued and appreciated.


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10 Aug 2019, 12:54 am

Yes. So in essence, the cause of much of the anger towards others that drives a person to commit such shootings is the social isolation, although social isolation must be part of the conditions that causes them to eventually commit these shootings.

There must be other factors.
I guess the shootings must give them a feeling of power, which they otherwise never feel apart from when in fantasy such as when playing computer games.

As an Aspie, I know that social isolation can't be the only factor. As most aspie's choose to isolate themselves and many of us if given a choice will choose social isolation over other options.

Computer games also cant be the only other factor. As again, I would say that quiet a high number of fairly isolated individuals also play computer games which include the ones that are violent.

What games one plays on computers again must be one factor present. After all, i have played all sorts of computer games but have never felt the urge to force my computer game fantasies spill out into reality.

The mental illness side I also think must also be just a factor too, perhaps with those who suffer from various mental health conditions being more likely to be commit such terror acts.

Social status and low income must also be another factor.

Volatile or negative world view must also be another, as there are cases of some who have all the above, but who still do not harbour so much hatred for people that they want to kill these people and take action.

Just to recap, factors that likely are present among people who commit mass shootings:

Social isolation
Violent computer games / films
poorly controlled mental health problems such as psychosis
volatile world view
illegal drug use causing psychosis
low social status / low income
religious views? (including Satanism as a religion, as well as Charles Manson-ism)

I wonder how however anyone could possibly think that committing such terrible shootings is going to cure anything
or perhaps the culprits do not expect to achieve anything, and commit such terror attacks just for the hell of it, as one final blow out before the end of their own life (before ending their own life).

However, in some cases, i note that some of the people do not appear to take their own life nor intend to.
So the game plan in these individuals may be different. perhaps politically motivated,
especially where far right are concerned. As i think i have mentioned before in some circumstances the mass shooting sites and proposed victims appear to have been carefully selected, again, as a crude attempt at social engineering.

I wonder if there are any factors that i have missed. Perhaps family background or upbringing.


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