Fnord wrote:
I've done some amateur research, and interviewed a few astrophysicists (no, not DeGrasse-Tyson ... yet). There is a general consensus that if the Theia Collision Event hadn't occurred, there would be few dense elements near Earth's surface, there would be no Moon, and intelligent life (if it would exist) might not be human-like at all. Further, the lack of metals near Earth's surface would mean that intelligent life on Earth would still be in the Stone Age. I doubt that many worlds have had the exact same event occur under the exact same conditions.
That is a very good point. The Theia Collision Event set Earth apart from many, many, many earth like planets in the solar system. It is probably the reason why Earth's magnetic field exist and shields the planet and the life therein from destruction.
I suspect there is a conspiracy concerning Area 51 but it is not what is commonly believed. The UFO and Alien stories surrounding the area were captured and manipulated by DoD to cover up the very real aircraft technological development occurring at the site. So in general all the UFO conspiracy theorist were actually part of the conspiracy. Except they didn't even know it.
I also suspect that life exist throughout the universe. But in general
that life is unintelligent life, like bacteria. Intelligent life that is capable of interstellar travel is extremely rare or non-existent.