naturalplastic wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
naturalplastic wrote:
I remember the balloon boy hoax very well. Kinda wish Bigfoot was real.
Bigfoot- I go back and forth on.
But the balloon boy thing. I was never fooled, and laughed at it as a certain hoax from the get go. The reason that I knew that that party balloon, though huge for a party balloon, couldnt possibly carry a fifty pound kid into the sky was that years earlier I had gone through a phase of having "an aspie obsession" with zeppilins and dirigibles, and new that helium balloons have 80 pounds of lift per 1000 cubic feet. So a grade school boy of slightly less than that weight would need a balloon only slightly smaller than that. A 1000 cubic feet is about twice the size of a midsized car. Much bigger than that balloon.
PT Barnum offered to buy the Cardiff Giant from the farmer who "discovered" it. When the farmer refused Barnum made a copy and billed it as the "real Cardiff Giant". Both Barnum's "real" fake Cardiff Giant, and the original real Cardiff Giant toured the nation in competing traveling exhibits (both raking in tons of money for both of their respective owners from the credulous). The original real Cardiff Giant that Barnun counterfeited was of course itself fake.
So the Cardiff Giant was kinda like the Iraqi nuclear program. Folks in Iraq scammed their dictator into thinking they were an agency working hard to build him A bombs so they could live on the gravy train, which enabled the dictator to lie about having A bombs, which enabled an American president to lie about Iraq having A bombs - to justify America invading Iraq.So Bush...did one better than PT. Barnum, and created a fake version OF a fake version of...a Cardiff Giant.
The Iraqi nuclear bomb situation reminds me of the Nazi attempt to build a bomb. Werner Heisenberg, who Hitler had tasked to build the bomb, dragged his feet so the Nazis could never have the bomb. The truly ironic thing was, while Heisenberg believed he knew how to build an A bomb, the truth was, he had no idea what he was actually talking about. So even if he had put all his efforts into the bomb, he still would have failed.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer