Mona Pereth wrote:
The_Face_of_Boo wrote:,Laden's%20son%20Hamza%20bin%20Laden.
Always suspected Iran to be using Al Qaeda.
Why on Earth would you have "always suspected" such a thing?
If indeed Iran is using/helping Al Qaeda, I would expect that to be a recent development at most, perhaps a reaction to Trump's saber-rattling against Iran?
I certainly would
not expect there to have been any longterm alliance between Iran and Al Qaeda, given how much Al Qaeda and other Wahabi/Salafi Muslims hate Shi'ites.
Yet Iran has long been an ally with Muslim brotherhood and its branches (ie.Hamas) - who are not much better than Salafists.
Osama Bin Laden and Ayman el Zawahiri were both members of MB before founding Al Qaeda.
Bush (junior) talked about this Iran-Qaeda link and no one believed him back then; because most were reasoning like you (Salafi hating Shi’ites). “Hate” and “love” often don’t determine devilish alliances tho, both have common enemies: US and Saudi Arabia’s royal family.
Now the very presence of this Qaeda leader in Iran is a proof that Bush was right on this; surely he was not doing tourism in Tehran.
I hope Biden’s foreign policy will not empower Iran, like how Obama did.