Cyanide wrote:
There's one thing that surprises me about this post.....
Nobody who's posted here that's seen the movie has mentioned the part where it's revealed that one of the major, unnamed health insurance companies in the USA doesn't give health insurance to people with Autism or Asperger's. In other What do you guys think of that?
Glad I'm not the only who noticed that. I specifically looked for that in the list shown, and it was there.
What do I think? I don't think a health insurance company should pick and choose what illnesses or disabilities a person is allowed to have in order to get coverage. Nobody picks these things to happen to them. I thought the purpose of their companies was to provide a means so regular people could get health care, but I guessed wrong. The reality is that only a few "easy" ones get covered so they can maintain a profit. Obviously I'm living in the wrong world to think they should live up to their assumed purpose.
I say get the capitalistic profit nonsense out of health care. It's a moral conflict to me since they have to juggle profit maintenance with people's lives. It shouldn't have to be that way, and certainly doesn't have to be.