Funny thing is, it seems to me that a little thing like oil started it in the first place. Bush said it was about WMDs, but none turned up? Surprised? Not me. And what about the debacle in Afghanistan; sure, they got rid of the Taliban, but the ones who really did the damage were the Northern Alliance. The Americans still couldn't get Bin Laden, and are still targets when the terrorists shout Jihad. The reason us Aussies copped it in Bali was because the terrorists were going after the Yanks who were there, and the Brits copped it in London because Blair jumped into bed with Bush. Now, you would think that they would have learnt from Vietnam that sending cannon-fodder to fight a war they are never going to win is pointless (you can even go back to the Tuskogee airmen of WW2, but at least they achieved something, in a way); but as people have said, Bush just wants results, and he doesn't give a stuff who he has to walk over to get them. We are having an election here soon, and Howard seems to be on shaky ground in the polls, and the Opposition have promised to pull our guys out, but only time will tell. Gee, I'd hate to be a soldier, though, ordered to fight in a war I didn't necessarily believe in, just because the president or PM got a metaphorical stick up their bum and decided they were 'mad as hell and they weren't gonna take it'. For Christ's sake, use some diplomacy and talk (unless you have a dweeb like Alexander Downer, our foreign affairs minister which means you are stuffed) and try to work something out without using all these kids as cannon-fodder just to prove a point. The cold war is over, you Americans are the only super-power left, Iraq can't do anything more than kick sand in your face, so what is the point?
Cut out this military penis envy and do something constructive, otherwise we know how we'll be spending the next 20 years; underground in a bomb-shelter waiting to see if it's safe to come out.
Pagans are people too, not just victims of a religious cleansing program. Universal harmony for all!!
Karma decides what must happen, and that includes everyone.