Fnord wrote:
I hope you are also not one to conflate "possibility" with "certainty".
IF humanity survives the next few decades, medical science MIGHT double its average lifespan.
I'm not expecting it to happen in our lifetimes anyway, if it ever happens at all.
It's not a certainty, but I do recall reading that someone born recently is likely to be the first to live to hundreds of years old. Something like that. Could be wishful thinking sci-fi stuff still, but it does make sense that with the Possibility of being able to grow replacement organs from stem cells and all that jazz that someone with deep enough pockets could keep techno-regenerating their worn out bits and live on.
Then there's the far out there nerd stuff like maybe some nerd figures out how to read every bit of binary in DNA and finds the 0's & 1's that shortens telomeres and flips it off, potentially resulting in cells that can divide forever without ageing or dying.
Then there are the far out types that believe we're meant to merge with machine and live on like that.
And other possibilities. I'd bet $1 that someone alive today is still alive via medical technology 159 years from now.
But yeah, it's gonna be rough thanks to e v e r y t h i n g we collectively f****d up with the Earth's natural resources. Whoopsiedoodle..
for supporting trump. Because doing so is deplorable.