Inventor was cast into darkness for five days.
A local Sushi place has a generator, and kept long hours.
No faith in weather forecasts, none of them saw the storm bog down and bounce along the coast.
We are at or below sea level, the people who got wet are several foot above, where shallow creeks become lakes, that are moving.
While it barely made hurricane, 74 mph wind, it was given a 1, 76 mph, just to keep the news cycle running. Persistance does count, given long enough wind will damage roofs.
A one, will take down old rotten at the core trees, some shallow rooted, but our post Katrina roofs stood up.
It is going out and walking around weather, a Three, winds of 157 MPH, is not for walking around, will remove the whole roof, and take down hundred year old trees. Katrina hit as a three, but was a Five in the Gulf a few hours earlier.
Just as a Three, whole forests of sixteen inch pines were snapped off twenty foot up for miles, and this forty miles inland. The storm surge went eleven miles inland, and took houses and cars when it flowed back out.
We live behind seventeen foot levees, with pumps that can pump an inch in the first hour, then a half inch an hour after that.
A Three coming on the same track, would push a storm surge along the coast of Mississippi, twenty to twenty five foot high, and north of New Orleans. It will top the levees and then drop seventeen foot into the basin.
Everything south of Baton Rouge will be open water, 157 mph wind, twenty foot waves, and most likely, never seen again.
We get warning, better than an earth quake, and a hurricane can hit anywhere along the east coast, A Three plowing up the East River would do just as much damage. Washington DC is very low, and for enough rum and ganja, I could raise a force of Conga Drummers, feed the Spirits, and call the Night. If we could get Mongo Santamaria, it would vanish in a Five night!
Donations are welcome.