Quatermass wrote:
KristaMeth wrote:
Quatermass wrote:
KristaMeth wrote:
I think it's a boss' right to decide who he wants working for him. If he sees non-smoking as disruptive, then so be it. Hire someone else. You go get another job. I don't think it's a big deal.
You a smoker or a non-smoker?
Haha, nooo. You weren't supposed to ask that. I don't know if I want to say. I like to think that my personal choices don't affect my views about things like that.
What about you huh!? ::takes heat off herself::
Of course not. My only chemical vices are caffeine and sugar.
::Puts heat back on KristaMeth.::
As for that, you'd only be avoiding the issue if you are a smoker. You may be a civil libertarian, but I would've thought a CL would have clarified their position.
Now, there are choices that you make that affect you, and then there are choices that you make that actually affect others more than most, and smoking (and I'm talking tobacco, marijuana, hell, anything that you burn and inhale) is the latter. Why should other people suffer for your choice, hmm?
I am, in fact, a smoker. But a non-smoker at heart. Posted about this before. Like KimJ I think smoking is child abuse. I don't smoke in my own home, I smoke on my porch. In 20 degree weather. Good times. I hate the smell of smoke, I hate the taste of it, I hate how out of breath I get on walks. I was a real Nazi about it while I was pregnant too. NO ONE was allowed to smoke around me and I went to extreme lengths making sure I inhaled only the freshest air for my precious little bun in the oven.
Like KimJ said though, a business owner should have the right to control the conduct in his own place of business. Regardless of how silly any rule may sound (I will only hire tall people so that short chick isn't interrupting other workers asking them to reach the printer paper on the top shelf). It's prejudice, sure. But seriously, if I were a business owner I wouldn't want a bunch of people who don't even know me (government) telling me who I am obligated to hire in order to remain politically correct or whatever. If someone doesn't like certain people why should they be obligated to hire/keep them. On the flip side, why would you want to work for someone who felt like that about you/your habits/lack of. This would only seem like an actual issue to me if there were serious job shortages for non-smokers. Then I might worry. But until then, I still think "whatever".
And then there's people all caffeined up like Quartermass. Bouncing off the walls and jittering all up in my personal space. Drinking their nasty smelling red bulls in my face, making me want to puke.
Push the envelope, watch it bend.