Still meandering with the Neanderthals topic
Some of the info in the new link was a bit technical. I wonder about the reconstructed face of the child. S/he does not look as brutish as the typical pictures of the dark, menacing, hulking thugs wielding clubs. This child looks mildly interested in something, though I have never been good at reading facial expressions. Nice red hair and even gray/blue eyes! Different.
I read in one article in the Toronto Star by Jay Ingram about nine years ago that there may be Neanderthal genes in us, or at least we shared something in common as some human remains discovered over the years, in Portugal I believe, seem to indicate a hybrid Homo Sapiens-Homo Neanderthal type. Ingram concludes in his article that Neanderthals live on, in us. If your idea of Autism originating in Neanderthals has any plausibility, then it would follow that Autistic traits have long been with us. Great article. Keep us posted of any new developments.
Radiant Aspergian
Awe-Tistic Whirlwind
Phuture Phounder of the Philosophy Phactory
NOT a believer of Mystic Woo-Woo