School Expels Girl for Having Gay Parents

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23 Sep 2005, 9:40 am

School Expels Girl for Having Gay Parents,0,5018053.story?coll=sns-ap-nationworld-headlines

By Associated Press

September 23, 2005, 7:05 AM EDT


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23 Sep 2005, 10:47 am

Ever hear of a turkey baster? Its called artificial insemination. You make it sound like Like Lesbian parenting consists of one night stands with men. News flash genious, you don't need a penis to get pregnant, just semen.

Sperm donors are NOT in short supply and artificial insemination is NOT rocket science.

If a Lesbian decides to have a child without the "rod o god" getting involved, its none of your fsacking business.

You should be mad at the "values" of a school that ejected the child of a couple that has been happliy maried 22 years when divorced or single straight parents woud be considered just fine. Even abusive ones as long as they were straight,

lesbian and gay relationships ARE natural relationships!

Maybe they will see what sort of hateful intolerant people run those schools aand their child won't get an education based in superstitious predjudice now.....


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23 Sep 2005, 11:00 am

I have no problem with gay parents, be they gay men or lesbians. I actually *like* the fact that thought had to go into the decision to raise children. Its not like gay parents had an OPPS! and had to abort, raise or give up the child. It should be harder for straights to get preggiers!

I have mixed feelings about the school. Part of me says that the school community, since it is a private school, should be able to set their own parameters for acceptance. It reads like the school was very open about their anti-gay stance from the front. Although I strongly disagree with the school, I don't feel I have to right to force them to do things. On the other hand, where do you draw the line and let people do something you strong believe is wrong....I don't know.

BeeBee (This post is probably as clear as mud. sorry)


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23 Sep 2005, 11:36 am

it makes me angry to hear how unfairly this family have been treated.

i don't understand why some people are more willing to accept of unloving, and even abusive, hetrosexual relationships but not approve of happy, stable homosexual relationships.

anyway, sounds like the girl will be better off going to another school- who would want their child to be taught by fascists?


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23 Sep 2005, 11:39 am

I'm not saying the school shoud be forced to do anything, its a private school, as long as they get no government money.......

I'm saying institutional hate is wrong, and hopefully more peope will vote with their feet, by leaving it,


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23 Sep 2005, 12:46 pm

Tak wrote:
I'm not saying the school shoud be forced to do anything, its a private school, as long as they get no government money.......

I'm saying institutional hate is wrong, and hopefully more peope will vote with their feet, by leaving it,
I agree with you completely, Tak.

What confuses me is why they would have sent their child to a school that makes it clear up front that it fosters teachings antithetical to their lifestyle.

It's like a black couple sending their child to a school where white supremacy is taught.


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23 Sep 2005, 12:49 pm

I wonder if the school expels children that admit to being homosexual themselves.

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23 Sep 2005, 2:16 pm

Litguy wrote:
Tak wrote:
I'm not saying the school shoud be forced to do anything, its a private school, as long as they get no government money.......

I'm saying institutional hate is wrong, and hopefully more peope will vote with their feet, by leaving it,
I agree with you completely, Tak.

What confuses me is why they would have sent their child to a school that makes it clear up front that it fosters teachings antithetical to their lifestyle.

It's like a black couple sending their child to a school where white supremacy is taught.

Well, in this town thre are a lot of gay friendly Christian churches, and a lot of gay christians, though Set knows why...... so many in fact that the pride parade is getting downright dull..... Maybe they assumed that their school was a lilttle better than it was.


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23 Sep 2005, 2:17 pm

thatrsdude wrote:
I wonder if the school expels children that admit to being homosexual themselves.

You can bet on it, either that or they go to go to "ex gay" training school to learn repression and deep self hatred.


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23 Sep 2005, 2:20 pm

Well I'm sure homophobia's fully encouraged by the school. :roll:

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23 Sep 2005, 2:22 pm

I don't see any reason to expel this girl, even if I am wary of the gay movement and all it entails. As long as her parents do not force their lifestyle on the other members of the school (even if it is a private, Christian school), I don't see anything wrong with her attending the school.

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23 Sep 2005, 2:40 pm

Namiko wrote:
I don't see any reason to expel this girl, even if I am wary of the gay movement and all it entails. As long as her parents do not force their lifestyle on the other members of the school (even if it is a private, Christian school), I don't see anything wrong with her attending the school.

Far as theyare concerned mentioning that her mentioning that her parents were gay counted as "Forcing it on them"


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23 Sep 2005, 2:48 pm

Like it's somehow the kids fault for having gay parents. This is the real reason the school should be ashamed of themselves, the child's denied an education because of who their parents are. Private schools shouldn't have this much control and there should be anti discrimination laws to stop this.

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23 Sep 2005, 3:03 pm

I assume the school wants the parents to support and reinforce the school's stances on various topics, including homosexuality. In this case, that would not be possible as the school considers homosexuality a *sin* (my assumption, the article doesn't say that) and I pursume the parents do not.

If I had a more sacastic side I would say the school didn't want the student there because her family proves the school wrong. Her family proves that gays can be in long term, stable and loving relationships. I'll bet that is not what the school teachs...



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23 Sep 2005, 3:07 pm

Good point.

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23 Sep 2005, 3:12 pm

BeeBee wrote:
If I had a more sacastic side I would say the school didn't want the student there because her family proves the school wrong. Her family proves that gays can be in long term, stable and loving relationships. I'll bet that is not what the school teachs...


Yes, and they hate it when they are proven wrong so they just want it to "go away" ........