David Frost: The new face of Al Jazeera.

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12 Oct 2005, 11:41 am

The new English language version of Al Jazeera will have David Frost
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/co ... 02191.html


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12 Oct 2005, 11:17 pm

It might be good to see some news from Al Jazeera if it was balance and fair. Though I think it might be slanted we will just have to see.


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25 Apr 2008, 9:02 am

The Islamic world would be quick to condemn our Western news outlets as biased and unfair. Would you really expect otherwise? Everyone is biased! Creationists against Evolutionists, Theists against Atheists. Show me any form of media with no bias or leaning and I'll show you news items written by machines.

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28 Apr 2008, 7:57 am

I would prefer just an english translation of the real Al-Jazeera so that we get to know exactly everything that is being sent to the middle east people. Not something that hides the anti-western extreemism and propaganda that is broadcast. I dont want Al-Jazeera to tell us one thing while telling the middle east another that would be bad.


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28 Apr 2008, 8:43 am

Al Jazeera is owned by the govt of Qatar. The USA has been after the monarch to transfer the channel under news corp, which has planted the anti-Islam propaganda into the western brain, just as it planted anti-communism in the past. The media is one amazing tool, it can brainwash an entire planet. Al Jazeera is, in fact, extremely pro-western, contrary to popular belief. Ever bothered to watch it (the English channel and Arabic channel provide the same content)? It's just not anti-Islam unlike most media houses.


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28 Apr 2008, 1:11 pm

Why would Al Jazeera be pro-Western? The West is despised over in the Middle East. That is no secret. Nor is hatred of the Middle East by Westerners.

Anti-communism propanda isn't really such a bad idea, if you understand how communism is practised.


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28 Apr 2008, 7:56 pm

slowmutant wrote:
Why would Al Jazeera be pro-Western? The West is despised over in the Middle East. That is no secret. Nor is hatred of the Middle East by Westerners.

Uh... no.

Go to Bahrain or the UAE sometime. They love westerners.

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28 Apr 2008, 11:59 pm

slowmutant wrote:
Why would Al Jazeera be pro-Western? The West is despised over in the Middle East. That is no secret. Nor is hatred of the Middle East by Westerners.

Anti-communism propanda isn't really such a bad idea, if you understand how communism is practised.

Another thread bumped?

Dubai citizens can't criticize America (Bush) due to diplomatic ties. Nice, no?


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29 Apr 2008, 5:49 am

Go to Bahrain or the UAE sometime. They love westerners.

I would but I fear for my life too much. Why don't you go to the UAE for awhile?


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29 Apr 2008, 11:21 am

No, it's not so black and white, like American and Middle Eastern foreign policy make it, there is a whole range of support and dissaport among regimes, all the way from Jordan which is pro-Western all the way to Iran which hates Americans.


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29 Apr 2008, 11:33 am

Yeah, that may be. But still I'm gonna err on the side of caution and stay out of the Middle East. God knows what could happen to me while in that particular corner of the globe.


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30 Apr 2008, 1:09 am

slowmutant wrote:
Go to Bahrain or the UAE sometime. They love westerners.

I would but I fear for my life too much. Why don't you go to the UAE for awhile?

Yeah, you'll probably be fed a falafel. OOOOH THE HORROR!!


The question wasn't directed to me, but I wouldn't mind living there after college and marriage. Why not? The only thing to be fearful of are the South Asian drivers.


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01 May 2008, 11:32 pm

No one dislikes the west, or Americans, just the actions of oil companies, who own politicians, and have been bombing and invading as a business tool.

Supporting America has become supporting global theft.

What terrorist?

The other people on this planet think they have as much right as anyone, and were taugt this by America.

As my Islamic friends who came here said, We valued the thought in your Constitution, of a Governement of laws, not men, where none were above the law, and freedom was the posession of the people. Why did you not keep it?

The only people on earth that are not for peace, education, everyone eating and living somewhere, are in Washington.

America was a beacon to other countries, many would like to live here, more would like where they live to have the best of our ways.

I have a friend I met his first day here, I was his first American, and welcomed him. Two years latter we are coming back from lunch, he is telling me how frightened he was, Abu Greb, Gitmo, and how he was willing to face his fears to get a better life for his family, for education and economic oppertunity.

He is Islamic, barely speaks English, and in two years has never been stopped by the Police, which was a weekly event back home, has never been threatend, found everyone to be friendly, and helpful.

He has started a business, no gangs, cops, city workers, or the army have come to demand protection money. It is not like the old country.

He said, No one cares! I replied, as long as you are enjoying it, not hurting anyone else, no one cares.

That Freedom is what we are talking about.

You cannot make the world safe for freedom by taking it away at home and abroad. Homeland Security is the oposite of Freedom.

"He who will trade essential Liberty for short term security, will wind up with niether."

Ben Franklin

I have heard some very uninformed comments about the rest of the world. Of all people it is said Americans know the least Geography, World History, and World Law.

The invasion of Iraq, occupation, killing the people, is a War Crime. It is what Hitler did in Poland all over again. He too leveled cities that resistd, he too detained and tortured people without charge or trial. He too said people of some faiths were all enemies.

He was backed by coal companies, and oil.

He set up puppet governments in lands occupied by his army, and made the invasion legal after the fact.

Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

The State Department does not like me mentioning the Constitution, in the New Reality.

The job of Homeland Security is looking for enemies in the Homeland, they are a hidden agenda, a Secret Police. The enemy of the people is the people.

"We have met the enemy, and they is us." Pogo

Do not talk of Freedom you no longer have.

Open the window, listen to the world, you might learn to save your own freedom.

From the Ninth to Thirteenth Centuries Islam was the light of Freedom, learning, science, of the world.

Everything we have from the Greeks and Romans, destroyed by Christians, was preserved by Islam, and given back.

Most of our science and mathematics traces back to Islam. They were the educators of Europe, from the first great universities in Andulusia.

We have more in common with Islam than with the Greeks and Romans. A large part of our language has Arabic roots.

Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations, was taken directly from Ibn Khaldun, The Muqaddimah.

Khaldun is the founder of Sociology and the Science of History, and Economics.

Islam has a history to be proud of, it's knowledge was given to us as a gift.

The United States is 200, and a has been of history, the factories are in China, all paper money becomes worthless, Khaldun, it has huge debts, and an army five years in the field seeking to gain control of someone elses wealth.

Caluglia warred on Numidia, who supplied most of the food and oil to Rome, for he could not pay for it. When Claudius took over, he had to continue the war, for it was too dangerous to bring the army, unpaid, back to Rome, they fought for seven years, won, looted and enslaved, then starved, and Rome fell from within.

An educated population is the best defense.


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02 May 2008, 12:04 am

It almost sounds like you're denying 9/11. You didn't actually say it, but you were about to. I'm no fan of the American government, just so you know.

You make it sound like the Middle East is totally peaceful and that worrying about danger is silly.

Regardless of the past, the present is pretty bloody.

Again, I do not take sides. I do not consider either side to be the aggressors. Both sides are aggressors. Both sides have done some damned distasteful things. IMO the corruption is omnipresent and always has been.

There are currently a lot of terrorists in the world, and currently a lot of them are Muslims. That is not to say all Christians are pure heroes with halos over their heads. Many Christians preach poison religion. Many Christians are terrorists who simply don't refer to their activities as jihad. Another name for jihad is crusade.

Do you deny that Osama bin Laden is a Muslim? He is a Muslim the same way that George W. Bush is a Christian.


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02 May 2008, 1:51 am

Inventor wrote:

Here is my opinion of your sermon:

America lost its values when it decided to expand west. It lost its values when it decided to provoke Mexico in a war for land. It lost its values when it colonised Hawaii, Philippines, etc. It lost its values when it began to dehumanize people with no English descent, then with those of West European descent, etc. The US still had a constitution during all these events. We still have it now. It is not being changed, and you are still afforded the privileges therein.

There are many people who are not for freedom. The muslim men and women who come to this country have little say in criticizing the government over rights--unless they are being wrongfully accused. How many muslim countries have a semblance of equality that the west has? How many people in Saudi Arabia can read a bible without the Mutaween confiscating it and arrest them? No one is removing their religion or beliefs.

I don't understand why people are talking about eroding freedoms and rights. I still have my rights. I don't see my neighbors being arrested, I don't know of anyone that has been arrested for "terrorism" or for being muslim. I'm not seeing it where I live.

To compare Iraq with Hitler's campaign, well that pretty much discredits you from everything in my opinion. First off, the US government never had said they're fighting against Muslims. I don't see how anyone can see or believe such a thing. If that was the case, Saudia would have been destroyed several years ago.

Stop talking about the accomplishments of Muslims during the 9-13th century. Guess what? They're not the same muslims we have today, just as the christians of today are not the same as then. You are also misled by some Muslim apologists. Do you think freedom exists when there is Jizyah? Granted, the Christians of the day had little tolerance for people of other faiths, but do you honestly believe that non-Muslims were allowed to pray out in the open, acquire new converts, or criticize Islam? Do you believe that during these centuries there was no force used against the non-muslims by the "enlightened"? What is your opinion of al-Mansur Ibn Abi Aamir during Andalusia's "Golden Age"?

"The ink of the scholar is more holy than the blood of martyrs." How many muslims, under their blind following of the Hadith, follow such instruction? How many are trying to cross religious cultures instead of calling Jews pigs, or westerners Crusaders?


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02 May 2008, 6:30 am

Now is a limited point of view. Many empires have risen, and all fell.

"Money and talent will more toward sound money and freedom." Ibn Khaldun.

The study of is history is not because people were better then, it is because they failed.

A hundred years ago both Texans and Saudis were herding goats in the desert. Oil changed that.

9/11 were Saudis, I never heard any went to Afganistan, or Iraq, an enemy of the Saudis. They seem to have had an hour and a half free pass after it was known planes had been hyjacked? No one tracked the second plane heading for New York? What about even later, workers at their desk in the Pentagon?

76 people died in the New Orleans flood, 1500 died of thirst waiting for a Government response.

Saddam, and his sons, are dead, his government coallition gone, and the fighting is between local groups of the dominate religious sect. There were no weapons of mass destruction.

It has lasted longer and cost more than WWII, and our troops have been in the field longer that any time I can think of, Nam was one year, some of these troops have done three tours. I agree with the Head of the Marines, about time under hostile conditions, but he was overruled.

These are not draftee cannon fodder, they are the best, and were trained to fight the first Gulf War, went slow, and took 100 hours. We may need then to function as an Army again.

Winning is one thing, holding ground another. They went with half the boots on the ground needed, for when the shooting stopped, so the shooting continued. We failed to win the peace.

Osama is a rich boy playing hero, anybody can claim to belong to his group. He is a terrorist. That is what the Russians called him. It is also what the British called the Afganies both times they invaded, won the battle, and lost the war. Alexender the Great hated Afganies. He won, and they kept fighting.

Islam has lost it's way, and seeking new ways has embraced many things western. Like 24 hour news. Do not expect Voice of America, but the media should not be controlled, A free press is the foundation of Liberty.

Al Jazeera is forbidden in Saudi land. They are much more of a threat to Religious Kingdoms than to western values. The head of Quatar is British educated, and from everything I have heard an enlightened person. Israel has said Al Jazeera is the first time they have been able to speak directly with the people of the Middle East.

So what is the big deal, why are we in Iraq? No weapons of mass destruction, they would have been shown on the white house lawn, just as he displayed Saddam's gold plated gun in the Oval Office. Saddam is dead.

Oil was $13 a barrel, and stagnant. Now it is over $120.

Gold was $335, now over $900, and the dollar and housing are in freefall.

Islam fell because of the Crusades, which attacked the ink of scholars, and brought despotic military forces to power, who refused to give up power after the danger past.

We The People are worldwide, and are not the toys of rich boys playing games.

We passed laws about people doing this with commodies, you cannot just set the price of bread. We passed laws about interlocked business, that lived to eat up new developments. We passed laws about people manipulating the stock market.

We The People regulate Government, and through it business and industry. Almost all think we could not do business without a fair and open game.

What happened to the Commies? The Beatles played Red Square, and we were all just people. What of the ChiCom, we fought in Korea, And were the excuse for Nam? Walmart suppliers, and Nam makes Nike. What became of The Red Brigade?

Nam was so used to being invaded, they went in the tourist business.

al-Mansur Ibn Abi Aamir was dealing with Pedro the Cruel? Vlad the Impailer is one of my favorites, With a very small force he stopped the Turks from taking Europe. His methods were effective.

Any fool can start a war, it takes the will of the people on both sides to end one.

The Right of the people to redress of grievances is universal, all rights and freedoms are.

Al Jazeera is like Alex, when a few voices dominated autism, he let all voices be heard. The world is a better place for it.

When people speak they find they have less to disagree about, and more points of agreement.

I think Osama was on the outs with the Saudi's, and raising a force to overthrow them. They pulled 9/11, and made him the fall guy. He has nothing to do but hide in a cave and try to raise an army, he might have hundreds. I have a larger chance at world domination.

I do not think he had the brains or connections to pull it off. Saddam was his enemy, and the Saudis. So they used the infidels to get rid of their enemies, and make many trillions fixing the oil market.

I know of one case where a guy crossed the border from Canada the day after 9/11, was locked up for five years without trial, then dumped back in Canada. On the Mexican border some one told Homeland Security to get out of his yard, and was arrested and charged with being a terrorist. That was recent. They demand to search you home and vehicle, and refusing is probable cause under the new and improved laws.

Police are demanding to see how much money you have in your wallet, and as little as $200 is seized because you were going to buy drugs. Guilty until proven broke. You cannot travel without "Your Papers."

You have to live in terror, submit to terror, because of one six foot six Arab?

I think it is time to shutdown and reboot.