Maxrebo wrote:
Oh greats its one step to put us in concentration camps with a name like that why dont they take a more pleasent name. Whats the deal with the minister of women affairs doing anything its really not much of a problem if your a girl its way more prevelent in men that and male society makes living with it nearly impossible especially in high school then getting into a relationship is near impossible unless its with a controling person or a psycho because humans but for me girls are having increasing expectations in a mate. Why is it that kids that look like their face got bashed in with a shovel can get a girl just cause they have decent social skills.
two items;
1. Punctuation? I really wanted to read this. . . here's my guess:
Maxrebo wrote:
Oh greats, its one step to put us in concentration camps. With a name like that-- why don't they take a more pleasent name?
What's the deal with the minister of women affairs doing anything? Its really not much of a problem if your a girl. Its way more prevelent in men, that and male society makes living with it nearly impossible. Especially in high school. . . then getting into a relationship is near impossible, unless its with a controling person or a psycho. {because humans} <--(I don't know how to make this fit and make sense.) . . .but for me, girls are having increasing expectations in a mate. Why is it that kids that look like their face got bashed in with a shovel can get a girl just cause they have decent social skills?
2. Maybe, don't say that it's not hard to be a woman living with autism until you've tried it. Just a thought.
3. Yes. . . we are having increasing expectations in a mate. There is nothing wrong with that. We used to have to take whoever we were sold to; it's natural that there should be an upwards progression as we have more choices in various areas of our lives.
And if I die before I learn to speak
will money pay for all the days I lived awake but half asleep