Honestly, I think its the average person that has the problem with conversation. You get little response if you try to talk about anything outside very limited and familiar sets of concepts. People really resent it when you deviate from the conversational norms, but where is the color or fun in that? I think teaching people how to communicate a certain way is a bit dismissive to the fact that I think autistic people often do know how to communicate, just a different way. Maybe others should learn a bit of that as well. We need some people who do not play by the rules of average communication styles so our perceptions are challenged. There is a place for this, especially in University.
Look at all the talk shows, they invite the most fascinating people on them but still, they are never willing to have a real discussion about anything, there’s almost no point in watching them at all. They will fly a celebrity over to spend five minutes smiling and saying nothing of consequence about anything, its almost like an absurdist culture.