Ishmael wrote:
Popular culture gone haywire. Had these children been post-pubescent, that'd be another thing, simple biology.
But, for pre-pubescent children to be engaging in such behaviour brings real concerns over how they develop these ideas
Let's burn hi five okay? Or how about clothing lines releasing "sexy" childrens clothing to "empower" them, or the companies manufacturing bras for six year olds?
What is wrong with people?
I regularly see six and seven year old girls walking around town in tight sweatpants with slogans like 'sexy' and 'porn star' written across their ass... twelve and thirteen year olds regularly engage in sexual activity, stuff that was considered extreme when I reached adulthood, like anal sex and group sex, and i'm told that the blowjob has replaced the first kiss as the preferred courtship ritual... all the girls are openly bisexual...
I've discussed this with a few parents of teenagers and twenty-somethings, and the general consensus is that hormones in the meat cause the children to develop sooner, while internet porn introduces them to all manner of sexual deviance... children are excellent mimics, and will copy virtually any behavior they are exposed to...