" The world will never be the same again"
????? I want to get paid for saying things like that.
Over time, half of the Fourtune 500 vanishes every decade.
The names do, assets are bought by sound business, at fire sale prices, which is good.
It is the natural correction of getting rid of those who have an unreal view of business.
The buildings are still there, the bank workers, the deposits, the only thing lost was the value of WaMu Stock.
Stock Holders elect Directors who hire Managers.
It was the stock holders who wanted high returns from taking on high risk, they got it.
The American dollar has not been hurt, we do that in other ways.
Our position in the world has not changed, we are the largest debtor nation.
If you import more than export, the world becomes filled with dollars, which buy bonds, and then we pay interest on our debt. The oil producing states and China hold lots of bonds.
When Bush took office gold was $340. Now it is around $900. By that measure 60% of our outstanding debt was canceled. With a strong dollar, we would owe more on our debt.
Saddam had bales of hundred dollar bills, so do south American drug lords, it is all worth a lot less now.
If your house is worth $500,000, or half that, it is still worth one house, no matter what the numbers. In 1980 it was $40,000.
All paper money not backed by gold or silver has become worthless. Interest rates are a measure of the rate of decline.
The problem is in buying more than you sell. Then you are in debt. The only way to continue is to reduce the value of your money, paying old debt in now cheaper dollars.