Stick a cat in a microwave? No videogames for you!

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Snowy Owl
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20 Sep 2008, 9:44 pm

WTF does video games have to do with these kids being sick f***s?

I really don't get that punishment.

Link here

Two Alberta teens who admitted to killing a cat in a microwave oven were sentenced Thursday to one year probation and 100 hours of community service.

The boys, both 16, were also barred from owning pets for two years, and ordered not to possess or play violent video games......


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20 Sep 2008, 10:13 pm


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20 Sep 2008, 10:25 pm

ok...let's try this again.

I think they deserved a lot more than they got, but that's me.


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20 Sep 2008, 10:29 pm

s**t..... I can't even bring myself to think of that... f**k :x :cry:

sadistic f***s..


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20 Sep 2008, 10:39 pm

that is sick.

i don't get the mentality of blaming videogames everytime some kid does something horrible.

me thinks they should have been banned from owning animals for a longer period then two years.


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20 Sep 2008, 10:42 pm

tweety_fan wrote:
that is sick.

i don't get the mentality of blaming videogames everytime some kid does something horrible.

me thinks they should have been banned from owning animals for a longer period then two years.

The statistics show that videogames have noothing to do with it.. if they are violent and play videogames it's a bloody coincidence... :roll:


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21 Sep 2008, 1:14 am

yes yes it is.


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21 Sep 2008, 7:03 am

Breaking and entering is not considered a big crime then?

Videogames are probably completely unconnected to the crime, but if they are anything like most kids, banning them makes for a wicked harsh punishment. Besides, I dont think they will get an easy ride from the rest of the family, given that they got their own pet removed.

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21 Sep 2008, 1:32 pm

The sentence was appropriate , but banning the teens from video games for two years does not make any sense.

Problem is why did the teens break into someone's home, did property damage, and killed a cat?


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21 Sep 2008, 1:38 pm

whats the diffrence with killing a frigging cat in a horrible death than killing a human?
i think the judge is more sick that the teens this would desserve jail


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21 Sep 2008, 4:23 pm

I wonder how many of you who scream against the cat being microwaved eat meat? anyone sense hypocrisy here; I mean given how arguably they torture animals in Factory Farms and the like

also regarding the OP's subject. Cats? In Microwaves? It's more common than you think. I've heard of plenty of examples like this, mainly dealing with cats but dogs also.

This reminds me of a textfile on torturing cats I read when younger on

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21 Sep 2008, 4:53 pm

Warsie wrote:
I wonder how many of you who scream against the cat being microwaved eat meat? anyone sense hypocrisy here; I mean given how arguably they torture animals in Factory Farms and the like

I understand what you mean, in principle, but these kids were not going to eat the cat! It was sheer sadistic behavior!

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21 Sep 2008, 5:35 pm

So in 2 years these sick f**** can get another pet and just do the same thing all over again to it??? And not even a day of jail time??? :x These sickos should be banned from owning pets for life. And their 100 hours of community service should be spent at an animal shelter or otherwise helping sick animals (very closely supervised of course) to teach them to have empathy for those that they have abused.

And Warsie, no I do not eat meat.


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21 Sep 2008, 6:01 pm

Warsie, I eat meat, it's what people are meant to do. Look at your teeth. I get mine from a relative's farm where they're free-range, organic, happy animals slaughtered humanely and taken care of their whole lives. It is possible to be humane and still be omnivorous.

That aside...

This kind of thing concerns me. It's disgusting, not just for the obvious reason of the poor innocent cat, but because so often torturing and killing animals is a behaviour that comes before doing the same kind of thing to people.

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21 Sep 2008, 7:19 pm

There is a universe of difference between eating a burger and microwaving a pet, as anyone with an ounce of common sense is aware. The two are simply not comparable.

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21 Sep 2008, 7:24 pm

Macbeth wrote:
There is a universe of difference between eating a burger and microwaving a pet, as anyone with an ounce of common sense is aware. The two are simply not comparable.

You're right maybe they should have shot it instead.