so it's over 9000. Literally
also interesting bits yay!
The $100,000 prize is being offered by the Electronic Frontier Foundation for finding the first Mersenne prime with more than 10 million digits. The foundation supports individual rights on the Internet and set up the prime number prize to promote cooperative computing using the Web.
Large prime numbers serve as the foundation for the cryptological techniques used to keep online transactions and coded communications secure — although the current generation of crypto codes doesn't require numbers quite as big as the one discovered by UCLA.
oh that's why!!
Seriously, lol the EFF is providing this to promote computing and a better internets! Yay!
(they're doing this for reaearch to make the Tor and Freenet networks better) (yes I know the EFF doesn't constntly update Freenet or Tor, lol k)
I am a Star Wars Fan, Warsie here.
Masterdebating on chi-city's south side.......!