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27 Sep 2008, 11:05 am

Send Sarah Home Rally out side Phili Pub 09/25/08

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27 Sep 2008, 11:51 am

Well, I love Sarah Palin. She's not running for the post of Jesus Christ. She's running for vice-president. The absolutely wild, frothing vile abuse against her is mind-boggling.


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27 Sep 2008, 1:16 pm

lelia wrote:
Well, I love Sarah Palin. She's not running for the post of Jesus Christ. She's running for vice-president. The absolutely wild, frothing vile abuse against her is mind-boggling.

the Republican party should be ashamed to have placed her in such a glaring spotlight in the first place. After they have used her as a human shield, they will toss her aside like so much kleenex. A real shame, too.


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27 Sep 2008, 6:13 pm

lelia wrote:
Well, I love Sarah Palin. She's not running for the post of Jesus Christ.

You mean she's not? :lol:

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27 Sep 2008, 6:38 pm

sinsboldly wrote:
lelia wrote:
Well, I love Sarah Palin. She's not running for the post of Jesus Christ. She's running for vice-president. The absolutely wild, frothing vile abuse against her is mind-boggling.

the Republican party should be ashamed to have placed her in such a glaring spotlight in the first place. After they have used her as a human shield, they will toss her aside like so much kleenex. A real shame, too.


Ummm how biast and sexist are you? Would it have been cruel to put a man there? Believe it or not there are people out there who fight for what is right rather than being power hungry.

Actually Palin is likely to be the first female President. If McCain wins it is pretty much guaranteed within 12 years. Even if he doesn't she is the most likely female to be able to win the Republican nomination. From a political history perspective she should be able to win easily. Women have run 9 major countries in the modern era. Neat Fact: All of the Female leaders have been right wing. Hillary never had a chance to be President.

Personally Palin is too right wing for my tastes but the media response to her is predictable. The media bias in the states is crazy. The funniest one is the cnn poll of polls. "This Poll has no statistical Error" That implies it is 100% accurate when they really cherry picked the polls to get the result they want. Don't believe me? Write down which polls they choose. You will quickly notice that depending on the Gallup results that day they get added and removed from the averaging list. (Yes Gallup does a daily rolling average poll).

Thatcher was too right wing for my tastes as well. She seems to be one of the top Prime Ministers of British history though.



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27 Sep 2008, 11:15 pm

Programmer wrote:
sinsboldly wrote:
lelia wrote:
Well, I love Sarah Palin. She's not running for the post of Jesus Christ. She's running for vice-president. The absolutely wild, frothing vile abuse against her is mind-boggling.

the Republican party should be ashamed to have placed her in such a glaring spotlight in the first place. After they have used her as a human shield, they will toss her aside like so much kleenex. A real shame, too.


Ummm how biast and sexist are you? ~snip~

wow, I don't know! what is biased to say the Republicans didn't give enough thought to whom they wanted to represent them in the current election. why is it sexist to say that Sarah Palin is being used? any gender can be used, women don't have a corner on it.

I am just observing the phenomenon.


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27 Sep 2008, 11:33 pm

I predicted that McCain would choose a woman as vice president as a tactic to win over some of the votes from disappointed Clinton supporters, but it seems this tactic is backfiring on him. The dirt on Palin piles up so fast you need wings to stay above it.


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27 Sep 2008, 11:35 pm

Programmer wrote:
Ummm how biast and sexist are you? Would it have been cruel to put a man there?

Yes. It was cruel to put Dan Quayle where he was. Cruel to Danny, cruel to the electorate. It was only kind to satirists and late night TV hosts. Kathleen Parker (a conservative woman) has called on Palin to resign to spare us all. ... UxZDkwNTE=

Believe it or not there are people out there who fight for what is right rather than being power hungry.

I believe that, but do not believe that Palin falls into that category. Plenty of people on both sides of the aisle in Alaska say she is a ladder-climbing opportunist.

Since you raised the issue of cruelty, how do you explain her exchange with the two morning show radio hosts where Palin sat and laughed while the shock jocks called one of Palin's Republican foes a b***h, a pimple, a poor mother, fat, and made light of her being a cancer patient? Here's how one Alaska Newspaper described it:

The governor's appearance on KWHL's "The Bob and Mark Show" last week is plain and simple one of the most unprofessional, childish and inexcusable performances I've ever seen from a politician.

Anchorage DJ Bob Lester unleashed a vicious, mean-spirited, poisonous attack on Senate President Lyda Green last week while our governor was live on the air with him.

When we played the tape on my show the day after it happened, we received 130 calls. Even some Palinbots were disgusted.

The Daily News posted the recording on its Web site and it fired up bloggers.

The Fairbanks Daily News-Miner editorial writers demanded the governor apologize. The Juneau and Ketchikan papers also ran the editorial.

The Daily News opinion page addressed the governor's gaffe. They wrote "She came off looking immature herself, almost high-schoolish. It was conduct unbecoming a governor."

It was conduct unbecoming a human being, never mind a governor.