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News Briefs
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Posted 14 hours ago
Boy documents illness online
A Peterborough boy, who suffers from a rare and complex form of muscular dystrophy, has posted an online video documentary about the disease.
You can visit 9XsQfUo to watch the video, called "Tell Me What Time It Is," by 13- year-old Lewis Schofield, of Alexander Avenue.
Schofield has myasthenia gravis -- a chronic neuromuscular disorder that weakens muscles and makes the body's immune system attack itself. His story was featured in The Examiner in September.
Schofield's documentary discusses the nature of the disorder and how he was first diagnosed at Toronto's Hospital for Sick Children.
A Christian take on autism
A new podcast explores autism from a Christian perspective and may interest those who feel God has abandoned people dealing with the disorder, a press release states.
Midnight in Chicago, a group founded by Peterborough's Elyse Bruce, released the podcast. A podcast is a recording of people talking, similar to an online radio show.
Downloading the podcast, called "Why Is There Autism: A Christian Perspective" is free.
Visit or find the podcast at iTunes, the release states.
The podcast release was timed to coincide with "Autism Sunday" on Feb. 8.
The second Sunday of February has been called Autism Sunday since 2002 and is meant to be a day to lobby and campaign for the health and education issues connected with autism.
From 2 Peter 1:10 So, dear brothers and sisters, work hard to prove that you really are among those God has called and chosen. Doing this, you will never stumble or fall away.