Children Poisoning Themselves with Illegal Psychiatric Drugs

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23 Dec 2008, 12:54 pm

I do think that these drugs are widely abused, especially the amphetamine based ADHD drugs (Ritalin, Adderall) which are essentially legal speed. California requires something called a "triplicate" for these drugs, meaning they have to be represcribed every month. In addition, the kids are required to see their psychiatrist every two or three months. The irony is that there are plenty of non-speed ADHD drugs out there for people with REAL ADHD (not the fake kind) that work well. I was glad to get off Adderall, and its generic equivalent, alarmingly dubbed "amphetamine salt", for Strattera. My elementary school forced me to take Ritalin from 1984 to 1988 (ages 9 to 13) and the result was that I am several inches shorter than my parents.


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23 Dec 2008, 1:24 pm

I would say be careful of this MD.

I am sure that a lot of us have a deep distrust of some medical doctors, but always bear in mind that the saying "My enemy's enemy is my friend" is oftein not true.

The MD thanks Tom Cruise for speaking out against psychiatry, I am not impressed with Tom's past. Tom's biggest bad deed was when he criticized Brooke Shields for taking anti-depressants. I hold the view that in the fight against depression one size does not fit all, so they are not suitable for all people. But I would trust anti-depressant pills more than Tom.

See ... _4284.html

Health is a state of physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity :alien: I am not a jigsaw, I am a free man !

Diagnosed under the DSM5 rules with autism spectrum disorder, under DSM4 psychologist said would have been AS (299.80) but I suspect that I am somewhere between 299.80 and 299.00 (Autism) under DSM4.

Snowy Owl
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23 Dec 2008, 4:44 pm

I first read one of his books (Peter breggins books) when I was 15 1/2 years old. But, ya, dopamine is sometimes called a stress hormone because it does have a strong link to the fight or flight response. Increased dopamine in the brain releases a stress hormone called "cortisol"(A catabolic stress hormone) and since the brain is in a state of alarm, it can release some adrenalin too (Since they have all that energy). Thats what stimulants are if you abuse them to boost your performance: stress and dependence.

We all live in a corrupt society. Kids in this day and age have problems with their family or some are "spoiled" and have no bounderies and then they may get into drugs like maryjuana, nicotine(very addicting), and alcohol(habit forming). School is no longer a place for learning, its a place for competition (Or was that what it always was?). Lets hope that most of us aspies will win over this system.

At one time a few months ago, my local newspaper "announced" that our schools require either algerabra 2 or equaivalent to graduate. And if you don't graduate then take a GED, then you are labled an undergraduate. What does that mean?

I always had a firm opinion about diagnoses/psychoactive meds since how we beleive we should behave ourselves is mostly linked to the demands of society or the economy.

A bill was enacted in my local state, I think, in 1995 that forces us by law to go to school until we are 18 years old. The influence of this bill was pointed at abusive parents. But it is a place of coercion to take psychoactive medicine if you have problems.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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23 Dec 2008, 10:55 pm

i think nearly anyone would want to take a drug that gives you near super human powers of concentration without interest the ability to stay up late with out any feelings of sleep deprivation and appetite suppression and the rewarding feeling of good grades make this a very appealing drug on many levels Ive taken adderall legally under doctor supervision and it was amazing how i could do those things without trying i was always the first to finish class assignments i felt so smart now i r dum

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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24 Dec 2008, 3:56 am

Peter Breggin doesn't count. He got called a crackpot by a judge, has NO hospital privledges (all MDs should have them even if they don't want to use them), and works with CCHR. CCHR = Scientology.

Consider the source.


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24 Dec 2008, 10:04 am

Kassiane wrote:
Peter Breggin doesn't count. He got called a crackpot by a judge, has NO hospital privledges (all MDs should have them even if they don't want to use them), and works with CCHR. CCHR = Scientology.

Consider the source.

No hes not. First of all ad hominen really. second he works with mindfreedom he cut ties with cchr a while ago. SO does your argument come down to an ad hominen straw man against scientology?


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24 Dec 2008, 10:15 am

Kassiane wrote:
Peter Breggin doesn't count. He got called a crackpot by a judge, has NO hospital privledges (all MDs should have them even if they don't want to use them), and works with CCHR. CCHR = Scientology.

Consider the source.

THat judge should be censured for making an unproffessional comment. What does having privileges at a hospital have to do with any thing. And cchr does not equal scientology. thats like saying that a prolife group that was started by a bunch of catholics is the same as the catholic church.


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24 Dec 2008, 10:19 am

Kassiane wrote:
Peter Breggin doesn't count. He got called a crackpot by a judge, has NO hospital privledges (all MDs should have them even if they don't want to use them), and works with CCHR. CCHR = Scientology.

Consider the source.

and how come its ok to attack certain reliogions but not others?

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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24 Dec 2008, 5:05 pm

Wow, did my reply hurt that much? 3 responses?

Look up scientology doctrines, eh? I mean, they say right in their scriptures they aren't a religion...until that means they get tax cuts. This is all public domain and I thought everyone knew that.

And seeing as they don't BELIEVE IN AS, supporting them isn't something *I* want to do.

Not only that, but as Breggin was associated with them, and as they continue taking over the antipsych movement while mocking people who suffered legit psych abuses (and, oh yeah, accidentally killing people who they deem insane--see Lisa McPherson--while trying to help them), they're not really deserving of getting protection.

If this thread was about a bible beating pro life group, or the Mormon funded proposition h8 thing, I'd be just as harsh on that.


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25 Dec 2008, 12:08 pm

We prescribe amphetamine analogues to our kids but we're so anal about them using marijuana. Is this funny to anyone else??


Snowy Owl
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25 Dec 2008, 3:00 pm

I almost forgot, there have been many studies out there showing a link between maryjuana and triggering "paranoia" or "schizoprenia". Perhaps it can be harmful to some people but then wouldn't they just stop since the experience was bad?

These days, "researchers" want to make drugs that will boost our memories and "problem solving abilities" etc. They want drugs that make us function "better" along with ones that will suppress our "erratic behaviors". Its a new market: others include Provigil/Modfinil. Not just that but I found on the google news that "researchers" are researching "cognitive deficits" in people with schizophrenia. excerpt:
"two neurotransmitters in their brains are not as active as they need to be to allow for normal problem-solving capabilities"

Perhaps maryjuana usage could prortray non-comformity / unacceptance of the "ideals in society" but it can also be associated with a party-drug. Do pot-smokers make good people?


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25 Dec 2008, 3:34 pm

Regarding Peter Breggin, he was associated with the church of scientology years ago he broke off his links to the church of scientology but he still has some policy in common with them. The policies which he has in common with them are those relating to mental health.

One of the core parts of the church of scientology is the idea that all people are mentally ill and that only the treatment offered by the church of scientology can fix the damage. They are opposed to all forms of treatment (drugs, ECT, talking treatments and others) which are not delivered by the church of scientology because they want the church of scientology to have a monopoly on the treatment and management of mental health trouble.

I hold the view that while some parts of the "mental health industry" has done some things which has harmed the interests of the aspies and auties, we should not blindly wish to join up with all those who oppose the "mental healthy industry".

Health is a state of physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity :alien: I am not a jigsaw, I am a free man !

Diagnosed under the DSM5 rules with autism spectrum disorder, under DSM4 psychologist said would have been AS (299.80) but I suspect that I am somewhere between 299.80 and 299.00 (Autism) under DSM4.