pakled wrote:
Israel and Palestine are a construction of over a century (actually a millenia) of carefully crafted arguments, positions, rationalizations, etc. Every possible counter, attempt at reconciliation, compromise, etc., has been completely blocked, the ultimate zero-sum equation. Taking any one aspect of either position totally commits you to one side, and totally against another.
It makes the abortion debate look like a Kumbaya meeting.
well......considering that back in the O.T that Palestine just happened to get kicked around a few times by Israel and then when Israel came back to take the land after W.W.II, one can imagine the political issues that would stem from it.
However, to the person who asked why not have Palestine/Hamas be mad at Britain? I'll give you an answer, because if Britain wanted, they could just knock Palestine off the map and Israel could have full control of the area. Instead, this incessant mosquito like war that they've been waging for a few years is to the point of no use anymore. Of course the actions of this past week, I'm still for Israel. While I'm politically neutral on a lot of things, (with the exception of our next president) something like this does require more talk and action then just blowing things up.
I want peace for all. Simple yet elegant.