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05 Feb 2009, 7:08 pm

"While it may be true--and probably is--that not all Muslims are terrorists, it also happens to be true that nearly all terrorists are Muslim."

Dan Gillerman, Israeli Ambassador to the UN, March 7, 2006

Do some research then discuss the topic.

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05 Feb 2009, 7:19 pm

The IRA comes to mind... It's mostly true though. Few other cultures praise martyrdom like Islam.


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05 Feb 2009, 9:02 pm

The clue is in quote, that is, who quoted it.

Israeli ambassador to the UN.

Apart from what the 98% Jewish press have told you, have you ever met a Muslim terrorist?
Have you ever met a Muslim?.

A blog I read today suggested that if there are all these thousands of Muslim terrorist cells running around America, how come they never do anything?, even something as easy as assasinating one of the hated Neo-cons?

Look up the meaning of the motto of Mossad.

The Israelis hate Islam, do you think they are going to paint them in a good light in thier media?
Or do you think they are going to tell you how evil they are so that you help them with thier genocide.

The real terrorists are the Israelis, not just the ones in Israel, but the very very many dual nationality Israelis who are also members of the American Senate.

For instance, London tube bombing, Peter Power was running an exercise af the same trains being blown up on the same time and same place they actually where, thats why he was allready on the scene, when the ITN news guy asked him who arranged this "exercise", all he could tell us was that there where a lot of Jewish banks in the area.


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05 Feb 2009, 10:25 pm

that's what I love about discussions of the Middle East; the compassionate, unbiased and neutral form it seems to take...;)

There were any number of non-Muslim terror cells; Basque (ETA), Japanese Red Army, the Italian one (red something, but it's been decades), IRA, (I'm sure someone wants to throw in the ADF, but that's your call...;), the Stern Gang (now that was a real Jewish terror group. But again, over half a century ago). There was even the Weather underground, and the usual right-wing crazies (and their counterparts on the left-wing crazy side...;)


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05 Feb 2009, 10:36 pm

As an Israeli, most of the terrorists he's dealt with have all been Muslim.

The exact definition of terrorist is someone sketchy, but I'd define a terrorist is any organization, state-sponsored or otherwise, that attacks targets for the purpose of spreading terror throughout the populace.

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05 Feb 2009, 10:42 pm

Let's put this to the test. First, you can find the US's list of terrorist organizations here. I'm a lazy bastard, so I'd rather someone else go through it and find what percentage are Muslim related. We can then compare that with say, percentage of the world population which is muslim.

Of course, that would still ignore the relative size of each group, acts of lone wolf terrorism, and relative support among their bases &c. This sounds like a tricky subject. Who's in it for the long haul?

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