Orwell wrote:
This makes it quite stickier when you try to wipe out autistics via abortion. Where do you draw the line? At 51% autistic? There is an arbitrary cut-off point between autistic and non-autistic in the current classification scheme. There is no fundamental difference, but a continuum of traits. A spectrum. The world is not divided in "NT's" and "Aspies/Auties." People are people, and people are not all alike.
i've thought about this, i've met people with aspergers who have appeared normal and had normal lives yet they would fall under the spectrum meaning they'd be aborted if the plan to wipe us out took place, people want perfection and power but no NT out there who falls into those categories thinks those with any autism spectrum disorder have the potential to.
something about the article that's got on my nerves is this:
The findings confirmed that IQ was not an issue - the traits could be present regardless of levels of intelligence
why the hell does everyone think we need to be stupid because we have disorders? it's a stereotype that's starting to really p*ss me off
most people think i'm a bit strange, even abnormal. normal is the majority, the average, what is most frequent. if you lived around here, you'll see the positive of not being normal