Jael wrote:
A key factor in the article is that they are looking at children born "more than three months prematurely", not just any preemie. I was born at 24 weeks gestation, so I fall into this category (and I have Asperger's). They also said that such children are "two to three times as likely to show signs of autism at age 2 ", not certain to be autistic, so it doesn't disprove the findings to say "I know a preemie who isn't autistic" or to say "I know an autistic who wasn't a preemie".
That is, of course, true. My comment (and, I suspect, those of others who have posted here as 'not in the study group') was meant to illustrate that there are two sides to every statistic, and that this (while very interesting) is not the final answer to the 'what is autism' question.