Ishmael wrote:
Tim_Tex wrote:
So it's just another case of Mugabe being an idiot?
So, in other words, he's just the same as always?
Seriously, that prick needs a bullet to his head. That's the way to remove him from power!
Otherwise, he just keeps on rigging those elections!
I'm no fan of that man either, but I must tell you this - Most Africans LOVE HIM!
I know quite a few Tanzanian guys. I asked them about what they feel regarding Mugabe. And they all told me that he's a great man, like how Charles Taylor was. They completely support him, and assert that Morgan Tsvangirai is a western puppet. They believe everything Mugabe says - that all of Zimbabwe's problems are caused by the west. Now, I haven't met with people from Zimbabwe, till date. However, my friend's mother worked for UNICEF, and spent a whole year in Zimbabwe. My friend told me that although 50% of Zimbabwe is poor, most of the poor love Mugabe. He's a knight in shining armour, as far as they are concerned.
Did you ever think that most Germans hated Hitler prior to his defeat? They LOVED him. He was their saviour.
It's no different from what Barrack Obama is to America and most black people, except a few like
James David Manning.