Mother Says Ex-Teacher's Aide Sent Inappropriate MySpace Messages
POSTED: 7:37 am PST February 13, 2009
UPDATED: 8:08 am PST February 13, 2009
VANCOUVER, Wash. -- A former teacher's aide in Vancouver resigned recently amid an investigation into whether she sent sexually suggestive MySpace messages to a 13 year-old student.
The teacher's aide worked with special needs students at Cascade Middle School. The mother of the 13-year-old boy said her son has Asperger's syndrome, a form of autism, which she said made the boy an easy target for a grown woman.
The mother, who spoke on camera but is only identified as Michelle, said she discovered a string of messages on her son's MySpace page that listed a date of Dec. 1:
Dec. 1, 4:29 p.m.: "How I wish u were older… pretty much. Or I was younger… U know. OMG I'm totally freaking that I just typed that. Ur just so damn cute. Hard as hell to deal with."
Dec. 1, 4:33 p.m.: The boy responded: "That doesn't freak me out. I feel the same way but hey I'm 13 so y wouldn't I know, u know."
Dec. 1, 5:43 p.m.: "Shut up, you're a hottie with a naughty body. Deal with it. I'd do yuh. Ha. Wanna spoon?"
Michelle said the person writing the messages was her son's special education teacher's assistant at school. She immediately filed a police report and took the issue to the school district. She said nothing happened.
Jerry Piland, the executive director of human resources, said the messages "clearly cross the boundary of anything appropriate between a staff member and a student."
Piland said the teacher's assistant was not fired because she resigned for personal reasons as the district began to investigate the allegations.
"If someone goes ahead and resigns before you finish your investigation, you don't terminate somebody who doesn't work for you anymore," Piland said.
Vancouver police said they were investigating the case, but no charges have been filed.
"They told me that nothing illegal had transpired. There was no crime; therefore, she couldn't be prosecuted," Michelle said.
Officers said they couldn't comment on the details of the case because it's still under investigation.