monty wrote:
Who does the restaurant call if they are being robbed.
Depends on the circumstances.
Who does the restaurant call if they catch a shoplifter? 9-1-1.
I would not expect so, however if a restaurant did this and persisted after being told it was inappropriate, I would expect prosecution to follow.
Why should the average citizen call some other number and get put on hold??
Because it is not an emergency.
An emergency entails an imminent danger that might be avoided or mitigated by the swift intervention of emergency response team/team members. If someone is shoplifting, either you can keep them there until police arrive (ring the normal police number) or they will be gone by the time an emergency response team arrives so there is no purpose in using the emergency response system.
OK, the woman in question may be irritating, and she should not have called 3 times. But the system was set up to favor the corporation over the individual. It is set up to discourage people from challenging the people with money.
That is not the case and if a business kept ringing 911 to request assistance with non-emergency matters, I expect they would prosecution would result.