Undercover Animal Rights Investigator
Undercover Animal Rights Investigator
How did you get in to this line of work?
My initial plan in life was to become a cop and then join the FBI. But I started to learn that the worst things I've ever read about humans being doing to each other — similar if not identical things happen to animals on a mass scale. I felt that there were enough people in law enforcement, but there weren't enough people working in animal rights. In 2001, a private investigator trained me and my first job on my own was working at a dog kennel in Arkansas.
How old are you?
I can't say. Sorry.
Do you do this full time?
I do this on a contract basis.
How has doing this job shaped the kind of person you are?
This job has completely redefined who I am and has completely changed my outlook on the world. It's a very depressing life and it's a very lonely life. Most of the time I'm pretending to be somebody that I'm not. Most of my social interactions are under the pretext that I'm a different person and that I'm trying to hide a certain part of myself.
What kind of toll does that take on your mental health?
You're moving constantly and assuming other identities. At the end of the day, you're not really left with very much. It is very difficult to manage that type of lifestyle.
I've done things that I'm not proud of — things that I don't want to have to admit, even in my field notes when I type them up at the end of the day. But there needs to be payback for the animals. Either way, as much as it sucks, I just feel like I have to keep going. But any dreams about who I was going to be before I took this job, are gone.
Do you find it's hard to have close personal relationships with people because of your job? Are you in a relationship?
I'm not in a relationship. That's not to say that I don't want to be. But I am a professional liar. That's what undercover work is. I'll meet someone and I'll say I have a job I don't talk about. And all of a sudden I'm a really weird guy. The result is that I don't have much of a personal life.
Are there times when you have to abuse animals in order to fit in with the people you're working with?
Constantly. There are certain organizations that have guidelines investigators have to follow. But for me, if a supervisor tells me to do something, I'm trying to show that facility has a protocol that they follow that may or may not be against the law. As an undercover investigator, you don't you don't alter anything or plant anything. You show things exactly as they are.
(Read a Q&A with the head of the Humane Society about factory farming)
Are you vegetarian?
I'm vegan. Oh yeah.
Do you ever have sympathy for the people you're working with?
All the time. The vast majority of people I work with are very polite, very considerate people. They just have absolutely no respect for animals. But I blame the companies that own these facilities, not the workers themselves.
Are there any conditions under which you would think it's OK to raise animals for food?
I do not believe animals are here for us to exploit and I do not believe that under any circumstances we should raise animals for food. That said, I am very happy Proposition 2 passed in California and that it will phase out extreme confinement of animals including battery cages for hens.
What's more effective for the animal rights movement — the public seeing the footage you take or legal action?
Changing the laws would probably be what I would prefer. If you have the law being changed, it validates what the animal rights movement is about. It also validates these investigations. We're suddenly not a bunch of unlicensed investigators running around for our own sake.
You're unlicensed?
I'm an unlicensed investigator. That's how I'm able to get away with doing what I do.
What's the worst thing you've ever seen in your career?
On an egg farm, it's very, very normal to see live hens thrown in the trash. If you spin them around to break their necks like they tell you to, that doesn't always cause cervical dislocation. So they just kind of throw them away live in the trash. You'll always come across birds that are barely breathing, missing all their feathers, all bloody in the trash. You never get completely desensitized to that.
Have you ever walked away from an assignment because it's just too hard to be there?
I'm not sure what to think of this... on the one hand if he's exposing inhumane practices and corruption, that's a good thing... on the other hand, if's he's got a political agenda, there is a chance he'd consider staging photographs and purposely misrepresenting situations and events... if he's a worker there, and finds out that his fellow employees are violating regulations, doesn't he have a duty to take his concerns to management? How does he treat his responsibilities with regard toward trade secrets? It would seem that taking a job there would entail certain duties and responsibilities that are at odds with the nature of being an investigator.
PETA does this all of the time. I know there was a huge beef plant closed down in California and I think their investigation at the Pottsville Plant in Iowa was the beginning of a huge investigation on hire practices and other issues.
The thing about PETA is, the give the plant owners warning that they have investigated their practices, have concerns with them, and suggest that they hire someone like Temple Grandin to change their practices prior to reporting them.

How did you get in to this line of work?
My initial plan in life was to become a cop and then join the FBI. But I started to learn that the worst things I've ever read about humans being doing to each other — similar if not identical things happen to animals on a mass scale. I felt that there were enough people in law enforcement, but there weren't enough people working in animal rights. In 2001, a private investigator trained me and my first job on my own was working at a dog kennel in Arkansas.
How old are you?
I can't say. Sorry.
Do you do this full time?
I do this on a contract basis.
How has doing this job shaped the kind of person you are?
This job has completely redefined who I am and has completely changed my outlook on the world. It's a very depressing life and it's a very lonely life. Most of the time I'm pretending to be somebody that I'm not. Most of my social interactions are under the pretext that I'm a different person and that I'm trying to hide a certain part of myself.
What kind of toll does that take on your mental health?
You're moving constantly and assuming other identities. At the end of the day, you're not really left with very much. It is very difficult to manage that type of lifestyle.
I've done things that I'm not proud of — things that I don't want to have to admit, even in my field notes when I type them up at the end of the day. But there needs to be payback for the animals. Either way, as much as it sucks, I just feel like I have to keep going. But any dreams about who I was going to be before I took this job, are gone.
Do you find it's hard to have close personal relationships with people because of your job? Are you in a relationship?
I'm not in a relationship. That's not to say that I don't want to be. But I am a professional liar. That's what undercover work is. I'll meet someone and I'll say I have a job I don't talk about. And all of a sudden I'm a really weird guy. The result is that I don't have much of a personal life.
Are there times when you have to abuse animals in order to fit in with the people you're working with?
Constantly. There are certain organizations that have guidelines investigators have to follow. But for me, if a supervisor tells me to do something, I'm trying to show that facility has a protocol that they follow that may or may not be against the law. As an undercover investigator, you don't you don't alter anything or plant anything. You show things exactly as they are.
(Read a Q&A with the head of the Humane Society about factory farming)
Are you vegetarian?
I'm vegan. Oh yeah.
Do you ever have sympathy for the people you're working with?
All the time. The vast majority of people I work with are very polite, very considerate people. They just have absolutely no respect for animals. But I blame the companies that own these facilities, not the workers themselves.
Are there any conditions under which you would think it's OK to raise animals for food?
I do not believe animals are here for us to exploit and I do not believe that under any circumstances we should raise animals for food. That said, I am very happy Proposition 2 passed in California and that it will phase out extreme confinement of animals including battery cages for hens.
What's more effective for the animal rights movement — the public seeing the footage you take or legal action?
Changing the laws would probably be what I would prefer. If you have the law being changed, it validates what the animal rights movement is about. It also validates these investigations. We're suddenly not a bunch of unlicensed investigators running around for our own sake.
You're unlicensed?
I'm an unlicensed investigator. That's how I'm able to get away with doing what I do.
What's the worst thing you've ever seen in your career?
On an egg farm, it's very, very normal to see live hens thrown in the trash. If you spin them around to break their necks like they tell you to, that doesn't always cause cervical dislocation. So they just kind of throw them away live in the trash. You'll always come across birds that are barely breathing, missing all their feathers, all bloody in the trash. You never get completely desensitized to that.
Have you ever walked away from an assignment because it's just too hard to be there?
I'm not sure what to think of this... on the one hand if he's exposing inhumane practices and corruption, that's a good thing... on the other hand, if's he's got a political agenda, there is a chance he'd consider staging photographs and purposely misrepresenting situations and events... if he's a worker there, and finds out that his fellow employees are violating regulations, doesn't he have a duty to take his concerns to management? How does he treat his responsibilities with regard toward trade secrets? It would seem that taking a job there would entail certain duties and responsibilities that are at odds with the nature of being an investigator.
What a great undercover disguise, he looks just like pig.
Hrm, i think if we're going to eat them, why not treat them with a bit of respect though? -.- I reckon that most organic lifeforms on Earth can sense pain and react accordingly. I'm not favorable to treating an animal better than a human, but i still think some of us go too far. =/
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