Diamonddavej wrote:
I just read that article, what utter tripe.
Susan Greenfield is a believer in the Blank Slate, that (some) people are not born autistic but the environment causes (some) autism cases, this is utter rubbish. It has been long established that autism is predominately genetic, its not caused by a "refrigerator mother" or TV or the Internet.
Before the internet, I was immersed in mineral collecting and astronomy, did these hobbies cause my Asperger's? No! Asperger's came first, then I discovered mineralogy and astronomy.
Do to 3 year olds use social networking sites? No. Do people at the age of ca. 15-18, become autistic after a year on Second Life? When they were previously NT? No.
My Asperger's causes to focused on one activity at a time intensely, and I spend allot of time pursuing that one activity. Now I spend, I admit, too much time on the internet. But it is not the cause of my AS, its the result of it.
P.S. My girlfriend told me to stay away from Second Life, in case I might get obsessed with it.
agreed. autism is something one is born with,